What does state mean? In some nations, a province (or its equivalent) is a first-level administrative unit of sub-national government—as in the Netherlands—and a large constituent autonomous area, as in Argentina, Canada, South Africa, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Province definition: A province is a large section of a country which has its own administration . These provinces are Connacht (in the west), Leinster (in the east), Munster (in the south) and, Ulster (in the north). The British colonies in North America were often named provinces. 3. This document may qualify as a “guidance document” as set forth in Executive Order 13891 and interpretations thereof; such guidance documents are not binding … Italy has 20 regions, subdivided into 14 metropolitan cities and 96 provinces. a country, territory, … Rather, it is considered to be sovereign in regard to its particular set of constitutional functions. Province/State (Student Mailing Address Confirmation screen) This is the province or state of the student's address, if applicable. Most (but not all) of the thirteen colonies that eventually formed the United States were called provinces. In most provinces, the federal government now collects income tax for both levels of government and transfers to the provincial governments whatever surcharge they ask for. PR: Province. To 19th- and 20th-century historians, in Europe, centralized government was a sign of modernity and political maturity. Equivalent expressions are used in Peru (en provincias, "outside the city of Lima"), Mexico (la provincia, "lands outside Mexico City"), Romania (în provincie, "outside the Bucharest region"), Poland (prowincjonalny, "provincial"), Bulgaria (в провинцията, v provintsiyata, "in the provinces"; провинциален, provintsialen, "provincial") and the Philippines (taga-probinsiya, "from outside Metro Manila", sa probinsiya, "in the provinces"). Rate it: What does province mean? Unlike most such cases, Lloydminster is not a pair of twin cities on opposite sides of a border, but is actually incorporated by both provinces as a single city with a single municipal administration. State can be a condition — like solid, liquid, or gas, or even sad or happy. More examples. If you travel to Canada, you'll have to decide whether you want to go to the province of Quebec, or Saskatchewan, or one of the other 8 provinces in that enormous country. The Western provinces have more varied types of administrative sub-divisions than the Eastern provinces and invent new types at will. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? How to use territory in a sentence. The province of British Columbia has "regional districts" which function as equivalents of counties. Before the sudden outbreak started in early January, the, An official in Pakistan said gunmen opened fire on a group of minority Shiite Hazara coal miners after abducting them, killing 11 in southwestern Baluchistan, The year began with the spread of the novel coronavirus in China’s Hubei, Several months prior to the federal election, that, Researchers examining outbreaks in Ontario, Canada’s most populous, Canada has also detected the new variant in Ontario, the, Harper’s executive chef Jacob Williamson (who worked for Wolfgang Puck) has created a menu with inspiration from India, the Sichuan, Post the Definition of province to Facebook, Share the Definition of province on Twitter. public: static initonly Guid HomeAddressStateOrProvince; public static readonly Guid HomeAddressStateOrProvince; staticval mutable HomeAddressStateOrProvince : Guid Public Shared ReadOnly HomeAddressStateOrProvince … European settlement of … For the United Kingdom use of the word is often pejorative, assuming a stereotype of the denizens of the provinces to be less culturally aware than those in the capital.[1]. : Output Tokens: State/Province City Additional Info Postal Code: Example 1: Input: Output Token: Output: 北京市100020* A province is almost always an administrative division within a country or state. After Canadian confederation in 1867, the term provinces continued to be used, in reference to the sub-national governments of Canada. The English word "province" is attested since about 1330 and derives from the 13th-century Old French "province," which itself comes from the Latin word... (37 of 2777 words) en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Province. Today the expression en province is regularly replaced in the media by the more politically-correct en région, région now being the term officially used for the secondary level of government. I felt it was not my province to inquire — Anne Brontë. [3] All declared themselves "states" when they became independent. Many have their own powers independent of central or federal authority, especially in Canada. What made you want to look up province? (See Politics of Spain.). Rating. [6] Alberta in particular dissolved and merged hundreds of local governments during the 1940s and 1950s as a consequence of the Great Depression. City-states differed from tribal or national systems in size, exclusiveness, patriotism, and passion for independence. Some of the enumerated powers can be quite important. A province is almost always an administrative division within a country or state. Other provinces have arbitrarily merged and annexed independent suburbs to major Canadian cities such as Toronto or Montreal without the approval of local voters. Province. In modern parlance, the term is commonly used to refer to the oblasts and krais of Russia. In some countries with no actual provinces, "the provinces" is a metaphorical term meaning "outside the capital city". the function of language is two-fold: to communicate emotion and to give information — Aldous Huxley office is typically applied to the function or service associated with a trade or profession or a special relationship to others. Province. [5] Canadian Confederation and the Constitution Act, 1867 conferred considerable power on the provincial governments which they often use to pursue their own goals independently of the federal government. or European settlement of … A province is a subdivision of a country. ( 1 Kings 20:14 1 Kings 20:15 1 Kings 20:19) The victory of the former is gained chiefly "by the young" probably men of the princes of the provinces the chiefs: of tribes in the Gilead country. However, Thai people usually presume Bangkok as another province for convenience. Home Address State OrProvince Field Definition. Many countries are divided into provinces. Free State province synonyms, Free State province pronunciation, Free State province translation, English dictionary definition of Free State province. of Wood Buffalo, which has several multibillion-dollar oil sands plants; and Lloydminster, a city of 31,483 which sits directly astride the provincial border between Alberta and Saskatchewan. State definition, the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes: a state of health. state. This relationship may be defined by a constitution. Sub-national authorities have a growing interest in paradiplomacy, be it performed under a legal framework or as a trend informally admitted as legitimate by the central authorities. State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada | August 2012 6 State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada In addition, for California and New York, you can also use the following formats: If a military address is rejected, contact CyberSource Customer Support to … The Orange Free State Province in South Africa, another country with Dutch historical connections, was dissolved after the end of apartheid. The evolution of federations has created an inevitable tug-of-war between concepts of federal supremacy versus states' and provinces' rights. While some provinces were produced artificially by colonial powers, others were formed around local groups with their own ethnic identities. The situation in the province is obviously a matter of concern for the Commission, and in a recent statement the European Union presidency and the Commission, as co-chairs of the Tokyo Conference on peace and reconstruction in Aceh, voiced their concern about the extension of the state of military emergency in the province. EO13891-OT-275. "it was his province to take care of himself". See Congo. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. This provided an opportunity for forum shopping for provinces who opposed federal laws. Click province/states link for details such as province location map, city list, and etc. In fact, the word province is an ancient term from public law, which means: "office belonging to a magistrate". The constituent entities of Canada are known as provinces. Italian provinces are mainly named after their principal town and comprise several administrative sub-divisions called comuni (communes). State/Province: QC: Postal Code: G0M 1P0: Additional Info Remarks: Parse definitions named with the Global keyword use a set of output tokens that is consistent across every locale. United States of America (US) - State/Province Table. Another word for province. b : an administrative district or division of a country. This page provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems. province. See Congo. More loosely, a sphere of activity or a profession such as medicine or law. This page was last changed on 29 December 2020, at 06:07. For instance, Sherwood Park is an unincorporated "urban service area" of 65,465 within Strathcona County, which has most of the oil refining capacity in Western Canada; Fort McMurray was once a city but dissolved itself and became an "urban service area" of 70,964 people within the Regional Municipality (R.M.) Canada's status as a federation of provinces under the Dominion of the British Empire rather than an independent country also had certain legal implications. State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada The following tables provide the two-character state, province, and territory codes for the United States and Canada. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'province' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. To state is to say something. Definition of province in the Definitions.net dictionary. Provinz (von lateinisch provincia) ist eine auf die Verwaltungsterminologie des antiken Rom zurückgehende Bezeichnung, die heute verschiedene administrativ-territoriale Einheiten sowohl im staatlichen als auch im kirchlichen Bereich bezeichnet. In addition, while the Canadian federal government has unlimited taxing power while province governments are restricted to imposing direct taxes, the Canadian government introduced an income tax during World War I, and since it is a direct tax it also became a major revenue generator for provinces. second-largest country in the world by area, Regional Municipality (R.M.) For example, in the United States, no state may secede from the federal Union without the permission of the federal government. Current examples include the 16 Regions into which New Zealand is divided, and also the 21 District Health Boards. Meaning of free state. Synonyms: region, section, county, district More Synonyms of province. A province is a region within a country. The following table lists the valid … ( 1 Kings 20:14 1 Kings 20:15 1 Kings 20:19) The victory of the former is gained chiefly "by the young" probably men of the princes of the provinces the chiefs: of tribes in the Gilead country. Likewise, prior to the American Revolution, most of the original Thirteen Colonies in British America were provinces as well, such as the Province of Georgia and the Province of New Hampshire. ... Its historical origins lie in the Orange Free State Boer republic and later Orange Free State Province. He asks, "Was the province not its inhabitants' true 'fatherland'? Provinces can create, merge, and dissolve local governments without the consent of the federal government or the people in the affected locality. More commonly the word is used of the divisions of the Chaldean kingdom. In many federations and confederations, the province or state is not clearly subordinate to the national or central government. The Connecticut Colony, the Delaware Colony, Rhode Island and the Colony of Virginia never used the title "province". noun. The state is divided into counties (San Diego), and cities (also San Diego, which is the unit referred to in an address). SPBuilt InField Id. International State/Province Codes. What is the actual difference between a province and sta… state, province (noun) the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a … The following table lists the valid state/province codes that you can use for the United States of America (
= US): [citation needed]. 1 [count]: any one of the large parts that some countries are divided into. Governmental » State & Local. 76 provinces + 1 special governed district (Bangkok). For the region, state or province you can take the geografical longitude and latitude of the capital of that region, state or province. it is the judicial duty of the court, to examine the whole case — R. B. Taney province applies to a function, office, or duty that naturally or logically falls to one. The following tables provide the two-character state, province, and territory codes for the … Definition. Providence definition is - divine guidance or care. From the 19th century, the Portuguese colonies were considered overseas provinces of Portugal. Thus a "province" would be a territory or function that a Roman magistrate held control of on behalf of his government. 1. countable noun. Prior to confederation, the term province was used in reference to several British colonies situated in Canada; such as the colonial Province of Quebec. This page provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems. There are total 14 province/states in Jamaica. Similarly, some overseas parts of the British Empire bore the colonial title of "province" (in a more Roman sense), such as the Province of Canada and the Province of South Australia (the latter, to distinguish it from the penal "colonies" elsewhere in Australia). Are states in US the same as provinces in Canada? To state is to say something. The growth of the modern welfare state has resulted in these functions, assigned to the provinces, becoming more important compared to those assigned to the federal government and thus provincial governments have become more important than the Fathers of Confederation originally intended. It is a kind of local government. So you can answer: State: USA, Province: California . a territorial unit, almost always an administrative division, within a country or state. It's a legal question that is/falls outside my province. The term derives from the ancient Roman provincia, which was the major territorial and administrative unit of the Roman Empire's territorial possessions outside Italy. Results obtained from these definitions can be stored in the same database fields as the results obtained from definitions of the same name in other locales. A popular etymology is from Latin pro- ("on behalf of") and vincere ("to triumph" or "to take control of"). See the full definition for province in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for province, Nglish: Translation of province for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of province for Arabic Speakers, Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about province.
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