GCBT380 . GCAB360. "Passé ce délai un litige pour non paiement sera envoyé à , et l'article sera remis en vente" Expédié en France. HOME; COMMERCIAL; BODY FOCUS; ROOM PLANNER; FIND A DEALER; BLOG . Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine Set to a 7-degree reversed pitch, the Series 7 allows natural upper and lower body movements for maximum muscle interaction GS348QP4. GS348Q. Inklusive lat Bar und straight Bar. Models. Um Ihnen besser zu dienen, verwendet diese Website cookies. Body-Solid Semi-Recumbent Ab Bench. Plus de photos. A TRUE POWERHOUSE. Body-Solid Powerline Smith Machine (PSM144X) 3.8 out of 5 stars 61. Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Gym. Das ist nicht nur eine Smith Machine, es war auch nicht einfach, eine Smith Machine zu entwickeln, die den enorm hohen Qualitätsanforderungen von Body-Solid gerecht wird. Voir plus. Pro ClubLine Leverage Squat. GAB350. GPU348. Lat Attachment for Powerline Smith Machine High and low pulleys deliver smooth, consistent resistance. SCB1000. This item does not include weight plates. 3.4 out of 5 stars 3. Power Racks and Smith Machines. With literally tens of thousands of satisfied owners across the nation we revolutionized home weightlifting in the last decade when we introduced an economical and practical version of a health club tradition; the Smith Machine. De quoi nourrir vos convictions personnelles avec la référence Bodysolid si la seconde main fait partie intégrante de vos habitudes d'achat. Get Quote Email Print Options Download RELATED ITEMS. BODY-FOCUS. 5.0 out of 5 stars 6. The BodySolid Pro Clubline Counterbalanced Smith Machine has reverse pitch and a silky smooth vertical carriage to ensure freedom of biomechanically correct movement as you move safely and efficiently through routines that can include bench press, chest press, military press, squats, lunges, curls, shoulder shrugs and dozens of other muscle-massing exercises. Indem Sie auf "Ich bin einverstanden" klicken oder diese Website weiterhin benutzen, willigen Sie in die Speicherung dieser Cookies ein. Besuchen Sie unsere Shop von mehr als 2500m2, Home Fast & Free shipping on many items! Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Gym Our new Series 7 Smith Gym allows you to develop muscle mass beyond your imagination at a rate that will amaze you SCB1000 . These pieces of exercise equipment offer a variety of strength training options and are designed … Back to Top. Plate Loaded. GLCE365. Et cela, aussi bien du côté du neuf que des produits Bodysolid occasion. Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine (GS348Q) Die Body-Solid 7 Smith Machine ist das beste Machine um mehr Muskelmasse zu entwickeln. FREE WEIGHT POWER AND RESISTANCE. Extra Information. eBay Voir prix. FREE Shipping. THE ECONOMICAL VERSION OF A HEALTH CLUB TRADITION When you think of Body-Solid, the Smith Gym should come to mind. A combination of those two fitness equipment machines give you the best lifting weights exercise. GCEC340. PSM144X. ENORMOUS POSSIBILITIES. Semi-Recumbant Dual Ab Bench. €13.00. GAB300. Dieser Body-Solid Lat Attachment mit 95 kg Gewicht Stack ist eine Erweiterung und kann nur in Kombination mit der Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine verwendet werden. It is a collection of the best benefits the Smith Machine, Half-Cage and Multi-station Gyms have to offer and its backed by the best warranty in the industry. Body-Solid Series 7 GS348Q Smith Machine with Linear Bearings. Body-Solid Semi-Recumbent Ab Bench. Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine. Machines » Smith Machines » PSM144X OVERVIEW Features Compare Powerline Smith Machine. The Body Solid Series 7 Smith Gym System is certainly probably the most advanced Smith machine in the market. We focus on home and commercial markets. Body-Solid Seated Leg Extension & Supine Curl. VIEW TEN BODY PARTS YOU CAN FOCUS ON WITH THIS GYM. $975.00 $ 975. FREE Shipping. More Buying Choices $2,984.00 (4 new offers) Marcy 150-lb Multifunctional Home Gym Station for Total Body Training. Mit der Series 7 können Sie jede Übung, die Sie in einem voll ausgestatteten Fitnessraum finden werden, aber zu Hause tun. SMITH SYSTEMS. Powerline Nylon Button Bushing Set for PSM144. See more at BodySolid.com. Wir bieten Ihnen in unserem Online Shop folgende namhafte, hochwertige Marken für Fitnessgeräte und Kraftgeräte an: Body Solid, Powerline, Pro Dual, Pro Club line, Pro Club Line Series II und Steelflex an. Der Super-Glide-Träger führt und unterstützt Sie während der stärksten Sets. Prévenez-moi avant la fin de l'enchère. Sehen Sie mehr Produkte von Click on images to select multiple models and click Compare button to compare features. Pro Clubline Counter-Balanced Smith Machine . With literally tens of thousands of satisfied owners across the nation we revolutionized home weightlifting in the last decade when we introduced an economical and practical version of a health club tradition; the Smith Machine. Weight plates and collars optional. Für Griffe- Zughilfen, Hantelstangen, Hantelscheiben, Kettlebells und Trainingszubehör bieten wir Ihnen K … THE ECONOMICAL VERSION OF HEALTH CLUB TRADITION When you think of Body-Solid, the Smith Gym should come to mind. We can offer a complete range of products including multi-station gyms, free weight machines, cardiovascular products, weight plates, kettle bells, dumbbells and many fitness accessories. Mit dieser Smitch Maschine entwickeln Sie mehr Muskelmasse, als Sie sich jemals erträumen könnten. Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine Full option GS348FB €3,632.00. > Semi-Recumbent Dual Ab Bench. … Body-Solid … Body-Solid Cam Series Biceps & Triceps. SLS500. We focus on home and commercial markets. In der Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich mit unserem cookies. Body-Solid Cam Series Ab & Back Machine. Body-Solid is a leading manufacturer of high quality fitness equipment. Mit dieser Smitch Maschine entwickeln Sie mehr Muskelmasse, als Sie sich jemals erträumen könnten. Body-Solid is a leading manufacturer of high quality fitness equipment. 4.3 … Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine Full option 25/28/30 mm GS348FB-25S €3,632.00. Smith Machine Comparison Chart. During … $3,185.00 $ 3,185. Mit dieser Smitch Maschine entwickeln Sie mehr Muskelmasse, als Sie sich jemals erträumen könnten. Powerline Smith Machine. Body-Solid 3 in 1 Smith Machine full option linear olympic GBF483OL €2,640.00. Power racks and Smith machines are exercise tools designed for individuals to experience the health benefits of lifting weights. About Body-Solid Europe. Powerline Smith Machine PSM144X. Pro Clubline Counter-Balanced Smith Machine … Plate Loaded » GLCE365. Zum Newsletter anmelden und bleiben Sie informiert von unseren Angeboten und Aktionen! We’re not talking commercial grade when we look at the Body-Solid Powerline Smith Machine for that you’d have to pay a couple of grand more. TECHNOLOGY. Ausgestattet mit einem Gewicht von 95 kg mit zusätzlichen "add-on" Hebel für lose Gewichte. Die Body-Solid ProClub Line Counter Balanced Smith Machine ist eine professionelle Smith Machine aus der ProClubLine Serie von Body Solid. VIEW ALL THE ADVANTAGES. Die Body-Solid 7 Smith Machine ist das beste Machine um mehr Muskelmasse zu entwickeln. 00. OPTIONS. … THE ECONOMICAL VERSION OF A HEALTH CLUB TRADITION When you think of Body-Solid, the Smith Gym should come to mind. Powerline Smith Lat Attachment High and low pulleys deliver smooth, consistent resistance for lat pulldowns, triceps pressdowns, cable crossovers, seated rows and more. ITEM # WEIGHT CAPACITY; WARRANTY; FRAME SIZE; PLATE SIZE; COUNTER BALANCED; BAR WEIGHT; FREEWEIGHT RACK; WEIGHT STORAGE; BAR HOLDER; GLIDE SYSTEM; SMITH ANGLE ; LOCKOUT POINTS; Lockout … Smith machines, Body-Solid Lat Attachment für der Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine, Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine full options, Body-Solid ProClub Line counter-balanced Smith Machine, Besuchen Sie unsere Shop von mehr als 2500m. Multipowers et Smith Machine; Cages, Power Cages et Racks; Machines à Poulie et câbles; Charge à Disques; Appareil Musculation. Aujourd'hui sur Rakuten, 12 Bodysolid vous attendent au sein de notre rayon . $2,084.00 $ 2,084. Mit der Series 7 können Sie jede Übung, die Sie in einem voll ausgestatteten Fitnessraum finden werden, aber zu Hause tun. GWS100. BODY-FOCUS. Call Us at +32 (0)11 761 270 Falsche Kombination von Benutzername / Passwort. The Multi-Press Machine was designed to allow natural upper and lower body movements for maximum muscle interaction.Its sturdy structure and wide range of uses are the main advantages of this easy-to-se machine. Occasion, Body-Solid cable exm-4000a-575 22.5 inch . GCAB360. Die Body-Solid Series 7 smith machine full options ist das beste Machine um mehr Muskelmasse zu entwickeln. GAB300. Body-Solid. Zeitweise ausverkauft. The Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine is the product of advanced biomechanical design, superior structural engineering and meticulous quality standards. Smith machine. Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine. Smith machine . READ MORE » Es ist eine sehr guhte Kombination aus Stärke und Widerstand in Kombination mit der Sicherheit und Kontrolle eines Fitnessgerätes. Plate loaded carriage. Body-Solid SCB1000 Pro Clubline Counter-Balanced Smith Machine for Weight Training, Home and Commercial Gym. Pull-Up Bar Attachment. SMITH SYSTEMS. Powerline hat die besten Teile der health-linie und wurde nach ihren eigenen Standards entwickelt. Body-Solid Seated Leg Extension & Supine Curl. THE ECONOMICAL VERSION OF A HEALTH CLUB TRADITION When you think of Body-Solid, the Smith Gym should come to mind. During the last 20 years we build our expertise and gathered a lot of experience in the fitness industry. €449.00. GS348QP4. Click on ITEM# to go to product page. With literally tens of thousands of satisfied owners across the nation we revolutionized home weightlifting in the last decade when we introduced an economical and practical version of a health club tradition; the Smith Machine. SEE REVIEWS » Write Review + Wishlist. Get the best deals on Body-Solid Power Racks & Smith Machines and upgrade your home workout gear with the largest online selection at eBay.com. Appareil Musculation haut du corps; Appareil Musculation plus bas corps; Appareil Musculation torse; Appareil Musculation tout le corps; Banc de Musculation. Das ist nicht nur eine Smith Machine, es war auch nicht einfach, eine Smith Machine zu entwickeln, die den enorm hohen Qualitätsanforderungen von Body-Solid gerecht wird. 4.4 out of 5 stars 6. info@bodysolid-europe.com, Body-Solid Pec Dec Station for Series 7 Smith Machine GPA3, Body-Solid 3 in 1 Multi-Press Rack GBF481, Body-Solid 3 in 1 Smith Machine Multipress Rack-Bushing Standard 25/28/30 mm GBF482-25SBUS, Body-Solid Lat Attachment for Smith machine serie 7 GS348 GLA348QS, Body-Solid 3 in 1 Smith Machine Linear Standard 25/28/30 mm GBF482-25SLIN, Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine GS348Q-25S, Copy of Body-Solid 3 in 1 Smith Machine full option bushing standard GBF483-25SBUS, Body-Solid 3 in 1 Smith Machine full option linear standard GBF483-25SLIN, Body-Solid 3 in 1 Smith Machine full option linear olympic GBF483OL, Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine Full option GS348FB, Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine Full option 25/28/30 mm GS348FB-25S. OSR Rubber Grip Olympic Sets; OST Cast Iron Grip Olympic Sets; SIMILAR … Weight Sled. Die Body-Solid Powerline Smith Machine ist ein echtes Kraftpaket! SMITH SYSTEMS. Da die Langhantel nicht nach vorne, hinten oder seitwärts fallen kann, ist diese Maschine super sicher und ein Spotter ist nicht notwendig. $399.00 shipping. GS348QP4. What we have here is a heavy-duty, well-built smith machine for home use. When you think of Body-Solid, the Smith Gym should come to mind. Mit der Series 7 können Sie jede Übung, die Sie in einem voll ausgestatteten Fitnessraum finden werden, aber zu Hause tun. The PowerLine Smith Machine is a true powerhouse that is often imitated but never duplicated - PSM144X - Powerline Smith Machine. Body-Solid Smith Machines. Body Solid Series 7 Smith Machine, Body Solid Series 7 Smith Machine Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. With literally tens of thousands of satisfied owners across the nation we revolutionized home weightlifting in the last decade when we introduced an economical and practical version of a health club tradition; the Smith Machine. Voir la description complète. With literally tens of thousands of satisfied owners across the nation we revolutionised home weightlifting in the last decade when we introduced an economical and practical version of a health club tradition; the Smith Machine. 00. | Voir prix € 16. eBay. Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Gym. MiM USA Commercial Hercules 1001 Jumbo | Smith Machine & Functional Trainer | Power Cage | Leg Press | Dip Chin & Jammer Arms | Adjustable Weight Bench W/Leg Extension | Full Accessories. Purposefully designed for a full-body workout Powerlines PSM1442XS smith has been equipped with all the right tools. Smith Machines The Economical Version of a Health Club Tradition. Der Rahmen der Powerline Smith Machine ist 5 cm x 5 cm dick und besteht aus 12 gauge Stahlsäulen zur Unterstützung. Die Body Solid ProClubLine Serie wurde für Sportler entwickelt, die professionelle Qualität zu einem guhte Preis benötigen. Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Machine. Sortiere nach: translation missing: de.collections.general.filter_button. GAB350. Krafttraining 00. Multi-Press Machine Body-Solid . Better still, additionally it offers the advantage of a free weight gun rack! Body-solid cable exm-4000a-575 22.5 inches long. PSM144X.

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