In most cases, the lubricant type does not need to be changed in the event of retrofitting. RS-45 (R434A) – RS45 is another great alternative refrigerant to R22. Put $0 down on central air and ductless AC systems. With this refrigerant there is no need to change the oil. NU-22B is the only R-22 replacement you need. Whether you're in an older home that can't accommodate ducts or you just don't want the hassle of installing duct work, these ductless units are a flexible option that allow for more efficiency and greater adaptability than central HVAC units. Cannot be added to R-22 unless fully evacuated and recharged with 407C. The fact is, if your old air conditioner uses the refrigerant R22 (also known as Freon), you’ll be smart to replace it soon (more about that to come). If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, it probably uses R22. There are other replacements for R22 refrigerant on the market, but they are all less effective than R22, EXCEPT Bluon TdX 20. Most air conditioning units older than 10 years utilize an AC refrigerant called R22 that’s commonly identified as Freon*, and is noted by the EPA as HCFC-22. You might also hear R22 refrigerant called by its chemical name, hydrochlorofluorocarbon 22 (HCFC-22). Well, it turns out that R22 is very dangerous to the environment. ECO22 replaces R502, R22, R404a and R290. Do you have an R22 air conditioner (one that uses the old R22 refrigerant that’s being phased out)? This refrigerant is designed to be a drop in R-22 replacement. If there is a refrigerant leak, then you will not be able to top off the refrigerant … Also, be sure to not cut refrigerant lines or remove the compressor before the refrigerant is drained. If your unit that runs on R22 refrigerant springs a leak, you’ll need to make a huge decision about either replacing or repairing the unit. There is no need to replace your existing system if it is operating normally, but if you find that it needs servicing, you have a few options: No. Below are some of the benefits you will get from using this refrigerant. Experiencing R421a problems? The R22 phase-out is occurring in accordance with the U.S. Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Created in the 1930’s, R22 refrigerant was a replacement for the dominant refrigerants of the time, which contained ammonia. Excellent energy efficiency and cooling capacity. Ability Refrigerants is a national refrigerant wholesaler of the R22, R410A, and other related ranges. There are lots of air conditioning systems containing R22 still running. But keep in mind that your licensed professional AC or heat pump dealer can’t simply replace R22 with any other refrigerant without additional modifications. The phase-out of several common commercial refrigerants is leading building owners to look for greener alternatives.R22, one of several hydrofluorochlorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerants commonly used in commercial air conditioners, cold storage, chillers and retail food refrigeration, is likely to disappear from the market soon. Pre-Owned Glaciere R22 REFRIGERANT Tank 30lb Freon - 24lb 7oz Gross (QUC007194) 5 out of 5 stars (10) 10 product ratings - Pre-Owned Glaciere R22 REFRIGERANT Tank 30lb Freon - … Do you have an R22 air conditioner (one that uses the old R22 refrigerant that’s being phased out)? With over 20 years of HVAC and refrigerant industry experience, you can always count on us for the best products of lowest prices in the country. Among the options offered in the Freon™ refrigerant portfolio, Freon™ 407C (R-407C) is a high-performance blend. It is a 100% natural hydrocarbon organic refrigerant without chlorine or fluorine. R-22 (also known as HCFC-22) is an ozone-depleting refrigerant which has been widely used in home air conditioning systems and its supply is now being phased out in response to the Montreal Protocol. That can really help offset the cost to replace your R22 air conditioner. We have EPA-certified technicians on hand to discuss your needs and options, including R22 refrigerant draining. A licensed, professional HVAC dealer may offer to retrofit your current R22 refrigerant system to work with another refrigerant. If a system has R22 in it already you cannot use a replacement refrigerant to simply add to the R22. NU-22B is the only R-22 replacement you need. Freon (R22 refrigerant or hydrochlorofluorocarbon [HCFC-22]) is a coolant that was commonly used in air conditioning systems until 2004. A complete Freon replacement costs $300 to $1,200 on average, depending on the size of the AC, Freon type, and length of the refrigerant lines. Efficient alternative to R22, R502 or R404a. Freon (R22) Refrigerant and its Replacement We all remember, and potentially still know and use, the Freon refrigerant which is know to deplete the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere. Operation at lower pressures than synthetic refrigerants. Recharge 2. While this is an appealing idea, it does not always work out that well. Before the clock runs out, turn to Petro Home Services for R22 replacement services and answers to all your questions about air conditioning systems. However, your current air conditioning equipment is not compatible with the new refrigerants so when it needs service in the future, whoever owns the home will be obligated to replace the system. It was considered a safer and more effective replacement and it worked well for decades until the 1980’s when an environmental problem was acknowledged. Large older AC units using R22 Freon may cost $1,500 and up for a full refrigerant replacement. Forane ® R-22 refrigerant retrofit solutions Arkema recommends Forane ® 407C, Forane ® 407A, and Forane ® 427A - The Easy R-22 Retrofit TM as R-22 retrofit … During all refrigerant change outs, the R-22 refrigerant is first recovered. The use of MO99 will minimize system component changes. RS-44b operates at near cooling capacity of R22 in both A/C and Refrigeration applications down to -20⁰F evap. R-22 tends to work best at a lower pressure than many of the newer r22 replacements. The ban doesn’t require you to replace a functioning, R22 refrigerant AC or heat pump system. This article discusses various options for replacement for R22 refrigerant. Apart from describing R22 alternative refrigerants, the article also describes EPA instructions for R22 replacement. Find R22 refrigerant alternatives, including MO99, R-407C and R-410A. R407C can be used to COMPLETELY replace R-22 refrigerant in new or existing R-22 residential and commercial air conditioning systems as well as non-flooded evaporator chillers. Use of alternative refrigerants voids all manufacturer warranties. What is MO99 Refrigerant? Read on to learn everything you need to know about Freon and Freon replacement: What Is Freon? Repla… Add to Cart. RS-44b (R453a) is the newest R22 drop-in replacement refrigerant in the U.S. market. FMI –2010 Energy & Store Development Conference R-22 Transition Strategy Service as usual –Refrigerant price / availability –Leaks Replacement –Initial equipment costs –Energy savings –Refrigerant recovery Retrofit –Refrigerant / equipment / labor costs –Refrigerant recovery –Energy costs Until the early 2000s, Freon, also called R22 refrigerant, was the most common refrigerant on the market. 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Ability Refrigerants is a national refrigerant wholesaler of the R22, R410A, and other related ranges. RS45 is a capacity match to R22. The phase-out of several common commercial refrigerants is leading building owners to look for greener alternatives.R22, one of several hydrofluorochlorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerants commonly used in commercial air conditioners, cold storage, chillers and retail food refrigeration, is likely to disappear from the market soon. If your air conditioner was installed before 2010, it probably uses R22. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are often substituted for R-22 because of their lower ozone depletion … R22 is currently being phased out of production because it contributes to ozone depletion and global warming. R-421A is a drop-in replacement for R22 systems. Leaking equipment, equipment low on refrigerant, or equipment needing a component replacement. Repla… R421A Choice Refrigerant R-421A is a drop-in replacement for R22 systems. The Alternative to R-22 Freon? This is the time to consider whether you should purchase an air conditioning replacement, buy the costly recycled R22 refrigerant when you have a leak, or retrofit your existing one to use an r22 replacement. R417A refrigerant replacement of R22 . If you choose to replace your R22 air conditioner, you can’t simply set it beside a dumpster and expect a garbage truck to come pick it up. RS-44b has been sold worldwide for the past 5 years, branded as RS-70 outside the US. Our goal is to help find the most cost-effective, environmentally friendly R22 phase-out option for you. R22 will be completely phased out by January 1, 2020. Until the early 2000s, Freon, also called R22 refrigerant, was the most common refrigerant on the market. These refrigerants had a high degree of miscibility with the mineral oil used … Replacement Refrigerant for R22 & R502 . It’s the key to absorbing and removing heat from a space. Then several elements are often replaced which could include elastomeric seals, filter driers, oil, and/or metering devices. There are lots of air conditioning systems containing R22 still running. This is commonly referred to as a “drop-in” replacement. Faced with the rising costs of R22 air conditioner repairs, the decline of available refrigerant supply, and the increase in price of refrigerant, deciding what to do with your system can be a complicated choice. But this refrigerant shouldn’t be used in systems that have a capillary. RS-44b has been sold worldwide for the past 5 years, branded as RS-70 outside the US. Call us today for further details! You are able to not only fix the problem, but it also sets you up for savings by avoiding high R-22 prices and R-22 shortages in the future. Replace your system proactively. Ultimately, this will affect the HVAC/R industry in general, and it is definitely relevant information for anyone currently enrolled in refrigeration classes. Freon is DuPont’s commercial name for R22 , a member of the chlorofluorocarbon ( CFC ) organic compounds that contains carbon, chlorine, hydrogen and fluorine. R417A refrigerant is an HFC mixture that serves as a substitute for R22. This is illegal under the Clean Air Act and EPA regulations. We’re here to help you make the best, most educated choice for your home.You have choices: 1. Optimized refrigerant charge / adjusted TXV superheat setting Ran R-422D, R-427A, and R-438A with MO & POE (camera) 100°F Ambient / 0, 25, & 50°F Box Temps –“Dry Coil” tests If so, it probably runs on R22 refrigerant. With over 20 years of HVAC and refrigerant industry experience, you can always count on us for the best products of lowest prices in the country. It is compatible with traditional lubricants. R22 refrigerant is a chemical that keeps the air coming from your air conditioning system cool, so it’s unquestionably incredibly important. Mini Split/ AC Units Our selection of mini split AC units are perfect for homes that can't use duct-based central heating and air conditioning units. Explore Our Air Conditioning Services Call To Schedule A Free Estimate R22 Replacement: Why R-22 Is Banned From Use With this refrigerant there is no need to change the oil. RS-44b (R453a) is the newest R22 drop-in replacement refrigerant in the U.S. market. R-22, also called HCFC-22, has been a refrigerant mainstay for many years. Using the wrong refrigerant can result in failure of your air conditioning system. RS-44 (R424A) – This is a direct drop-in replacement for Freon or R22. Freon*MO99 Meets regulatory requirements Closest capacity to R-22 with comparable energy efficiency Best match to R-22 operating pressures Extends life of existing … Subscribe to our newsletter to learn about special offers, R422B refrigerant, 25lb Cylinder, R22 Replacement. No new or imported R-22 will be allowed in the U.S. after this date, and technicians will only be able to use recycled, reclaimed, or previously produced R22 to service equipment. In general, owners of R22 air conditioners will have 3 choices: Do nothing until your system needs a repair that requires adding refrigerant. During the transition away from CFCs, "interim" refrigerant blends containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), such as R22, were developed to be used in existing R12 and R502 equipment. NU-22B® Replaces R-22, R-407C, R-422D and R-417A. R22 is commonly used in AC systems pre-dating 2004 and so its ban will have a major effect on air-conditioning costs. It is used in AC applications with a capillary and an expansion device. Add to Cart. RS-44b (R453a) is the newest R22 drop-in replacement refrigerant in the U.S. market. And you’ll save money if you do it sooner. All HFCs are considered ODS substitutes and affected by this restriction. It can be successfully used to replace R22 across a wide range of HVAC-R applications out there. Mixing R-22 with a 400-Series blend, or mixing multiple 400-Series blends together, creates a new, untested refrigerant with unproven results. No 400-Series blend is a direct replacement for R-22. Read this guide. It is a compound found in a gaseous or liquid state, depending on the demands placed on it. Have you heard about the phase-out of the refrigerant called R22 or Freon, that was used in air conditioners for decades? Faced with the rising costs of R22 air conditioner repairs, the decline of available refrigerant supply, and the increase in price of refrigerant, deciding what to do with your system can be a complicated choice. The final phase of the R22 ban was on January 1, 2020. M099 is the closest match to R-22 operating pressures and mass flow rates when compared to other *no-oil change*replacements. R-410A is the replacement for R22. Freon™ MO99™ has compatibility with all traditional and new lubricants, including mineral oil (MO), polyolester (POE) oil, and alkylbenzene (AB) oil. R-410A is the best alternative option for air conditioning applications, while the best alternative for refrigeration applications are R-404A and R-507. EPA-certified Petro technicians can perform this service for you while installing your new air conditioner. Call us today for further details! For answers to your other R22 replacement questions, or to schedule air conditioning services, please contact Petro Home Services today. Discussing what is the replacement for R22 we should also say that R-410A can’t be used to retrofit the older refrigeration systems. R-22 Replacement Alternatives As a matter of fact, there are many different alternatives to R-22 that don’t deplete the ozone layer, including: R-134a, R-507, R-404A, R-407c and R-410A. Put $0 down on the latest energy-efficient systems. Here are the rules about R22 refrigerant and what to do if your system contains it. temp; RS-44b is the lowest GWP HFC R22 replacement on the market at 1664 TAR and is Zero Ozone Depleting. Find your local office: See what services and offers are available in your area. If a service technician inadvertantly mixes RS-44b with R22 there will be no harm to the system components or system efficiency. Retrofit 3. The best replacement for R-22 Freon is usually R-407c. R22 is being replaced by R-410A, a safer material which is the current, compliant standard refrigerant in air … R-410A is stored in pink cylinders. R22 Refrigerant is the old standard for residential air conditioners, now being phased out by the U.S. EPA. This refrigerant has stood up to rigorous testing and delivers energy efficiency and capacity. Search available options to replace R22 refrigerant at HD Supply. However, R-22 is now being phased out and non-ozone depleting refrigerant alternatives are being used instead. The best thing about this type of refrigerant and the reason you hear it brought up all the time when looking for R-22 replacement […] RS-50 (R442a) Refrigerant, R404a & R507 Replacement ` RS-50 (R442a) is a very low GWP (less than one half) high efficiency drop-in replacement for R404a and R507 refrigerants. Lennox offers dry-charged units for those who still have R-22 compatible systems. Recall Information: Impacting Certain Mini-Split Heat Pump Products. Read on to learn everything you need to know about Freon and Freon replacement: What Is Freon? These compounds lack the atmosphere-damaging chlorine found in CFCs and HCFCs, and are expected to mitigate further ozone depletion, though they also have a high global warming potential (GWP), and some organizations are moving for … For owners of older R22 units who prefer to retrofit rather than replace their system, R438A is an HFC replacement which behaves similarly enough to R22 to use the same metering devices. Here are the rules about R22 refrigerant and what to do if your system contains it. Retrofit 3. It is the closest replacement to R22 that operates with very similar discharge pressure, cooling capacity and flow rate as R22. R22-charged units are not compatible with R-410 refrigerant. RS-44b has been sold worldwide for the past 5 years, branded as RS-70 outside the US. ACs and low-temperature refrigerators are some of the best applications in this regard. As an additional environmental concern, R-22 is a powerful greenhouse gas with a GWP equal to 1810 (which indicates 1810 times as powerful as carbon dioxide ). Regular Price: $167.99 . Then the equipment is charged with the new drop-in refrigerant. The best about this gas is that it is environment friendlier than it’s predecessor, doesn’t cause ozone depletion but is a potential global warming agent. A Field-Proven Refrigerant That Replaces R-22 Without Requiring an Oil Change. The U.S. government has placed restrictions on R22 and has issued the requirement that R22 refrigerant must be eliminated from use in cooling systems by the year 2020. R22 refrigerant is a chemical that keeps the air coming from your air conditioning system cool, so it’s unquestionably incredibly important. Retrofit (or convert) your old R22 equipment to use an existing refrigerant.
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