Or something altogether different? and in 1987 referred to the Nazi gas chambers as "a point of detail of the history of the Second World War". [218], During the 2012 presidential election, Marine Le Pen sought the support of Jewish people in France. [120] The FN was arguably more influential now than it had been in 1986 with its 35 seats. [68] It fielded Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour as its primary candidate, while Le Pen called for voter abstention. [206], Luke Harding wrote in The Guardian that the National Front's MEPs were a "pro-Russian bloc. Le Pen announced the sale of the FN headquarters in Saint-Cloud, Le Paquebot, and of his personal armoured car. [40][41] The party was launched on 5 October 1972 under the name National Front for French Unity (Front national pour l'unité française), or Front National. [Dans la dénom. Participez, commentez et partager avec Franceinfo en temps réel ! [103], In the wake of FN electoral success, the immigration debate, growing concerns over Islamic fundamentalism, and the fatwa against Salman Rushdie by Ayatollah Khomeini, the 1989 affaire du foulard was the first major test of the relations between the values of the French Republic and Islam. [75] With the choice of defeat to the political left or dealing with the FN, the local RPR and UDF agreed to form an alliance with the FN, creating national sensation, and together won the second round with 55% of the vote. It is part of the Identity and Democracy group, which also includes the Freedom Party of Austria, Italian Northern League, Vlaams Belang, the Alternative for Germany, the Czech Freedom and Direct Democracy, the Dutch Freedom Party, the Conservative People's Party of Estonia, the Finns Party, and the Danish People's Party. [174], The FN has changed considerably since its foundation, as it has pursued the principles of modernisation and pragmatism, adapting to the changing political climate. Les élections municipales de 2020 sont la prochaine grande échéance qui attend les Français. He instead made an unambiguous commitment to popular capitalism, and started espousing an extremely market liberal and anti-statist programme. Between the mentioned groups, the party sat among the non-affiliated Non-Inscrits. - Page 44 [125][126] Many of those who joined the new MNR had joined the FN in the mid-1980s, in part from the Nouvelle Droite, with a vision of building bridges to the parliamentary right. "Front National" redirects here. [204] Marine Le Pen is very critical against the threats of sanctions directed by the international community against Russia: "European countries should seek a solution through diplomacy rather than making threats that could lead to an escalation." [224] In April 2015, a Russian hacker group published texts and emails between Timur Prokopenko, a member of Putin's administration, and Konstantin Rykov, a former Duma deputy with ties to France, discussing Russian financial support to the National Front in exchange for its support of Russia's annexation of Crimea. Suivez en direct toute l'actualité 'Rassemblement national' : vivez l'info en live, en images et en vidéos. [220], In November 2014, Marine Le Pen confirmed that the party had received a €9 million loan from the First Czech Russian Bank (FCRB) in Moscow to the National Front. [187] In December 2018, Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit found links between National Rally and a group calling for the expulsion of all Muslims from Europe. Le Rassemblement national au bord du gouffre", 'The nation state is back': Front National's Marine Le Pen rides on global mood, "Chômage: comment l'État décourage le travail", "Economic Voting and the national Front: Towards a Subregional Understanding of the Extreme-Right", "Marine Le Pen, entre souverainisme et identitarisme", "Macron-Le Pen face-off: EU supporter vs. economic nationalist", "European elections 2014: Marine Le Pen's Front National victory in France is based on anguish, rage and denial". During the FN's 1997 national congress, the FN established the loose Euronat group, which consisted of a variety of European right-wing parties. [24] It has put forward a presidential candidate at every presidential election but one since 1974. I consider it a political mistake and would like to make it clear in this context that we must have the right to criticise the policy of the State of Israel – just as we are allowed to criticise any sovereign country – without it being considered anti-Semitism. [187][191], In the 2002 legislative elections, the first under the new gender parity provision in the French Constitution, Le Pen's National Front was among the few parties to come close to meeting the law, with 49% female candidates; Jospin's Socialists had 36%, and Chirac's UMP had 19.6%. [184], In November 2015, Front National stated as its goal to have a net legal immigration rate (immigrants minus emigrants) of 10,000 in France per year. [77] After some exchanges of letters, Mitterrand instructed the heads of the main television channels to give equitable coverage to the FN. [75] The most notable result came in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, where Le Pen was elected to the local council with 11% of the vote. ", "Marine Le Pen National Front leader | Who is Marine Le Pen? For the 2012 presidential election, opinion polls showed Marine Le Pen as a serious challenger, with a few polls even suggesting that she could win the first round of the election. [114], In the 1997 legislative elections the FN polled its best-ever result with 15.3% support in metropolitan France, confirming its position as the third most important political force in France. [175][176] At the same time, its message has increasingly influenced mainstream political parties,[176][177] although the FN too has moved somewhat closer towards the centre-right. For other uses, see, Presidential and parliamentary election, rebranding (2017–present), View on Nazi history and relations with Jewish groups. [27] She endeavoured to extract it from its far-right cultural roots, and to normalise it by giving it a culture of government, and censuring controversial members like her father, who was suspended, and then expelled from the party in 2015. [129][145][146] Opinion polls showed the party's popularity increase under Marine Le Pen, and in the 2011 cantonal elections the party won 15% of the overall vote (up from 4.5% in 2008). [104] Following the event, surveys found that French public opinion was largely negative towards Islam. In France, parties have to secure support from a specific number of elected officials, from a specific number of departments, in order to be eligible to run for election. [136] The FN failed to hold on to Le Pen's support for the 2002 legislative elections, in which it got 11.3% of the vote. ", "Jean-Marie Le Pen fined again for dismissing Holocaust as 'detail, "Jean-Marie Le Pen condamné pour incitation à la haine raciale", "France National Front: Jean-Marie Le Pen suspended", "Jean-Marie Le Pen, exclu du Front national, fera "bien évidemment" un recours en justice", "Local elections confirm a quarter of French voters support Front National", "France – Poll gives France's far-right National Front party boost ahead of regional vote", "Marine Le Pen propose de renommer le FN " Rassemblement national, "Marine Le Pen annonce que le Front national devient Rassemblement national", "Entre 1986 et 1988, les députés FN voulaient rétablir la peine de mort et instaurer la préférence nationale", "French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen sets retirement date", "Après le "Paquebot", Le Pen vend sa 605 blindée sur eBay", "La Peugeot de Le Pen à nouveau mise en vente sur ebay", "Far-Right National Front performs well in French regional elections", "Marine Le Pen 'chosen to lead Frances National Front, "France's National Front picks Marine Le Pen as new head", "Résultats des élections Cantonales 2011", "Marion Le Pen becomes youngest French MP in modern history", "2012 French legislative elections: Gard's 2nd constituency (first round and run-off)", "Anti-Euro Le Pen Party Wins First Parliament Seats in 15 Years", "Un an après la présidentielle, Marine Le Pen devancerait François Hollande- 3 mai 2013 – L'Obs", "2014 municipal elections: the National Front won 12 cities, elected in 1546 and 459 councilors elected in intercommunal! [239][240], In 2017, Marine Le Pen met with and was interviewed for the British radio station LBC by former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, who had previously been critical of the FN. In secretly taped conversations, National Rally leaders endorsed goals of Generation Identity and discussed plans to "remigrate" immigrants, effectively sending them back to their countries of origin, if National Rally came to power. Suivez en direct toute l'actualité "Rassemblement national" : vivez l'info en live, en images et en vidéos. [30][31], At the party congress on 11 March 2018, Marine Le Pen proposed renaming the party to Rassemblement national (National Rally),[32] and on 1 June 2018, the renaming of the party was confirmed, following an 80.81% approval ballot of party members. Marine Le Pen was elected to the National Assembly for the first time, and Gilbert Collard was re-elected. [77][81] The 1984 European elections in June came as a shock, as the FN won 11% of the vote and ten seats. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker. [94] To promote his statesmanship credentials, he made trips to South East Asia, the United States, and Africa. [57] The PFN was even worse off, and the election marked the effective end of competition from the party. [92] The party's time in the National Assembly effectively came to an end when Jacques Chirac reinstated the two-round system of majority voting for the next election. The National Rally also supports French economic interventionism, protectionism, and a zero tolerance approach in law and order. The National Front denounces anti-Russian feelings in Eastern Europe and the submission of Western Europe to NATO's interests in the region. [133] Nevertheless, Chirac did not even have to campaign in the second round, as widespread anti-Le Pen protests from the media and public opinion culminated on May Day, with an estimated 1.5 million demonstrators across France. Since 2013, that yearly net immigration rate was around 140,000 if one takes into account only people born abroad from non-French parents, but was around 33,000 if one includes also the departures and returns of French expatriates. [60] Along with the growing influence of François Duprat and his "revolutionary nationalists", the FN gained several new groups of supporters in the late 1970s and early 1980s: Jean-Pierre Stirbois (1977) and his "solidarists", Bruno Gollnisch (1983), Bernard Antony (1984) and his Catholic fundamentalists, as well as Jean-Yves Le Gallou (1985) and the Nouvelle Droite. In 2002, Jean-Marie came second in the first round, but finished a distant second in the runoff to Jacques Chirac. [179], The party opposed the 2016 criminalisation of the use of prostitution in France, on the grounds that it would negatively affect the safety of sex workers. Rassemblement National (Nationell samling), tidigare Front National (Nationella fronten), är ett högerpopulistiskt och nationalistiskt politiskt parti i Frankrike. Rassemblement national had already been used as the name of a French party, the Rassemblement National Français, led by the extreme-right lawyer Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour. [48][49], The National Front fared poorly in the 1973 legislative elections, receiving 0.5% of the national vote (although Le Pen won 5% in his Paris constituency). [197] Further, it rejected the possible accession of Turkey to the EU. At the end of 2011, the National Front withdrew from the far-right Alliance of European National Movements and joined the more moderate European Alliance of Freedom. [224] Since November 2014, she insists that if a French bank agrees to give her a loan, she would break her contract with the FCBR, but she has not received any other counter-propositions. [89][90] The RPR won a majority with smaller centre-right parties, and thus avoided the need to deal with the FN. [26], While her father was nicknamed the "Devil of the Republic" by mainstream media and sparked outrage for hate speech, including Holocaust denial and Islamophobia, Marine Le Pen pursued a policy of "de-demonisation" of the party by softening its image. [113] The party won Vitrolles, its fourth town, in a 1997 by-election, where similar policies were pursued. The significant Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) refused to join the efforts, as Jörg Haider sought to distance himself from Le Pen, and later attempted to build a separate group. [141], For the 2007 presidential election, Le Pen and Mégret agreed to join forces. Following the Arab Spring (2011) rebellions in several countries, Marine Le Pen has been campaigning on halting the migration of Tunisian and Libyan immigrants to Europe. - page 44 Aiming at a unity of the political (the demos), ethnic (the ethnos) and social (the working class) interpretations of the "people", they claim to defend the "average Frenchman" and "common sense", against the "betrayal of inevitably corrupt elites". [123] Le Pen however refused to designate Mégret as his successor-elect, and instead made his wife Jany the leader of the FN list for the upcoming European election. "[133] Marine Le Pen rescinded the party's traditional support for the death penalty with her 2017 campaign launch, instead announcing support for imprisonment "in perpetuity" for the "worst crimes" in February 2017.

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