Prod. The line, "It's bigger on the inside," which Ladybug says upon entering Bunnyx's, The interior of Bunnyx's Burrow is also decorated to look like the roundels on the walls of the Tardis interior throughout the classic series of. Horrified, Bunnyx yells out that he is going to trigger the end of the world. ", This marks the second appearance of Bunnyx, following ". Episodenliste „Falsches Spiel“ Weitere Ideen zu miraculous bilder, ladybug and cat noir, minaculous. When Ladybug was viewing a burrow portal linked to the. Bunnyx wonders how and sees a point in time when Gabriel tells Marinette that her dating Adrien is making the Agreste brand look bad and she must end the relationship, threatening to remove Adrien from school if she doesn’t. Miraculous chat blanc episode - Vertrauen Sie dem Sieger der Experten. Juleka Couffaine 5. Cat Blanc trägt weiterhin seinen Gürtel, obwohl Ladybug ihn zuvor zerstört hat, da sie dachte, dass sich darin der Akuma befindet. He fires a Mega Cataclysm at her, which destroys an entire building, much to Bunnyx’s horror. Cat Noir asks her what her sudden call was for, to which Ladybug says that she already took care of it before leaning on his shoulder. 22 Miraculous chat blanc episode - Der TOP-Favorit . Angry and betrayed that Ladybug won’t give him her Miraculous and believing that she no longer loves him, he decides to just destroy everything, much to Ladybug and Bunnyx’s horror. Nathalie, who also witnessed Adrien’s transformation, informs Hawk Moth that his son is Cat Noir. It's revealed Bunnyx knows Ladybug's and Cat Noir's secret identities, even before the events of "Cat Blanc". Chat Blanc by Miraculous_786. Ok so I have been looking for some Chat Blanc … Sie nimmt Ladybug mit in die Zukunft, wo sie ein Paris vorfindet, was von der Person zerstört wird, von der sie nie erwartet hätte, dass sie jemals akumatisiert werden würde: Cat Noir! „Ladybug gegen Cat Blanc“ ist die zweiundzwanzigste Folge der dritten Staffel von Miraculous – Geschichten von Ladybug und Cat Noir. [1] Its US premiere was on February 1, 2020 on Netflix. This is the first time someone besides Gabriel is in the. International dates: What! Tikki is against Marinette using her powers for personal reasons, but Marinette promises to be quick and transforms into Ladybug, who then enters Adrien’s room through an open window. Erstausstrahlung DE: February 1, 2020 (Netflix); June 15, 2020 (Disney Channel) He prepares to take her earrings, but Ladybug tackles him and snatches his belt but discovers that the akuma isn’t in there. Bunnyx watches this unfold from her Burrow and sees the point in time when Marinette as Ladybug left her gift for Adrien in his room. Ladybug shows up and reminds Cat Noir that every wish has a price to pay, though Hawk Moth claims that Ladybug would let him save his mother if she truly loved him. Ladybug asks Bunnyx if she remembers everything, to which Bunnyx says that what’s seen is seen. She places it on his bed and prepares to leave when she realizes that she didn’t sign it. Alix bets her skates that Marinette won't, and Rose bets her favorite unicorn plush that Marinette will. Miraculous – Geschichten von Ladybug und Cat Noir,,, Torn between his mother and the girl he loves, Cat Noir shouts at them pleading for them to stop. Marinettes Augenbrauen verschwinden, als sie mit Tikki darüber redet, dass sie ihre Ladybug-Kräfte nur kurz für Adriens Geschenk nutzt. When Marinette jumps into Adrien's arms in front of the school, Chloé's handbag disappears in the next scene when commenting on them. Bunnyx is perplexed since she doesn’t remember that happening and sees that her own unicorn plushie is fading away. Marinette tells the girls that Adrien wasn’t home and she dropped her gift off at home, planning on telling them that she did deliver it only to realize that she just couldn’t do it. (flicks his bell and smiles) (Ladybug walks up to him, puts her hands on his chest, and smiles at him) Ladybug: You will always be Cat Noir to me. Produktionscode: This is technically the first time that Cat Noir gets akumatized, but since Ladybug corrects her mistake, it also never happens in the corrected timeline. Cat Blanc apologizes for being rude and asks for her Miraculous, stating that he’s made some mistakes and tearfully pleads for Ladybug to save him. Cat Noir realises that Hawk Moth is his father and is horrified, repeatedly asking why. Credits Chat Blanc X Reader by Fluttering. Alix Kubdel(present) 6. 9. Meanwhile, Cat Blanc tells Ladybug that as soon as he finds her, she’ll give him her Miraculous. Episode,,,, "Okay, okay! The moon's appearance after Cat Blanc's attack on it resembles the. Chloé Bourgeois(alternative future) 11. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung war am 5. It is revealed why Alix was chosen as Bunnyx by Ladybug. März 2020[1] A villain who doesn't care who he has to hurt to make ladybug his forever What will marionette do when chat blanc figures out her identity and how will she escape him ⚠️SIN WARNING ⚠️ CONTAINS SIN/ SMUT/ LEMON ON : -MARICHAT - LADYNOIR - ADRIENETTE ( IF I GET ENOUGH … She then takes Ladybug to a future Paris where everything has been destroyed and flooded, telling her to capture the akuma and restore order. [2], Marinette uses her powers to leave a gift for Adrien, causing him to realize her secret identity -- which has a devastating impact on the future.[3]. In this episode, it's revealed that Marinette has tried 562 times to tell Adrien how she feels. lily-frog-trash. Once she’s gone, Ladybug spots an akumatized Cat Noir (completely white and with blue eyes) singing to himself on top of the building’s edge. Internationale Ausstrahlung: Seeing the chance as his son has cracked, Hawk Moth sends an akuma towards him. In his repository, Gabriel tells Emilie that he misses her but will get Ladybug's and Cat Noir’s Miraculouses in order to repair their past mistakes. Adrien's mistake was that, despite saving Marinette, he transformed out in the open allowing his identity to be discovered. Episode Guide back when i haven't coloured his hair and skin, i accidentally turned off 1 layer and my heart shattered. Chronologie Aber als sie das Zimmer verlässt, sieht Adrien noch, wie Ladybug davonfliegt. Die Aussagekraft des Vergleihs steht bei unser Team im Fokus. November 9, 2019 (Switzerland: French region)November 10, 2019 (France: TFOU) Cat Blanc fires multiple Cataclysms at her, which she dodges, and then says that she can end everything more quickly by handing her Miraculous to him. She goes back to the time when she was writing her name on the card and erases it before fixing everything with Miraculous Ladybug. Mr. Kubdel(flashback) 10. Marinette is perplexed since Adrien’s fencing tournament should’ve already ended. Alya Césaire 3. Once arriving home, Nathalie tells Adrien that he is late, to which Adrien says that the fencing tournament took longer than expected, and they dropped Kagami off at home. Thomas AstrucMélanie DuvalFred LenoirSébastien Thibaudeau When Marinette makes a serious mistake she has to face the consequence of fighting the last person she'd ever imagine get akumatized. „Das Wachsfiguren-Museum“ Rose firmly tells Marinette that until she delivers her gift, there will be no more picnics, sleepovers or movies, therefore giving Marinette the motivation she needs to follow through. Bunnyx sees that she is slowly fading from existence and pleads with Ladybug to hurry up. Ladybug saying "The best kept secrets are the ones you never tell" is what Cat Noir says in ". Thomas AstrucMorade RahniKarim Bayadh They are Evil Supervillians who were given Negative versions of their powers and outfits by Hawkmoth, and later betrayed him when they discovered that he couldn't control them due to them already possessing more powerful Miraculous than his. Ladybug emerges from the water and furiously asks Cat Blanc what he did, though Cat Blanc claims that he didn’t mean to. Nathalie Sancoeur 9. This resulted in his power being a massive explosion where, not only Gabriel perished, but everyone on the planet. As the two battle, Cat Blanc reveals that he knows she’s Marinette, which shocks Ladybug since she never told him that. Exposed by an akumatized Luka, who took the... adrienagreste; chatnoir; adrienette +19 more # 9. Miraculous Ladybug Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Upset that Ladybug isn’t listening, he fires a small Cataclysm at the ground beneath her, causing her to fall into the water. This is a fanfiction inspired by the Miraculous Ladybug episode, Chat Blanc. He tells her that he’s Cat Blanc, not Cat Noir, but Ladybug declares that he will always be Cat Noir to her and then leans in to kiss him. This is the third time Marinette is targeted by an akuma, following ". Follow. Overall Als er dann das Geschenk mit Marinettes Namen findet, versteht er, dass sie und Ladybug ein und dieselbe Person sind. Ladybug looks around and sees many points in the past and future, so Bunnyx puts a bowl over her head to prevent her from seeing anything. Ladybug asks about Hawk Moth’s identity, though Bunnyx says that she can’t tell her since there’s a time for everything, explaining that she was chosen because she knows how to keep secrets. It is also the same thing Cat Noir said in "Feast" when he and Ladybug were inside the sentimonster. This is the second time a person physically touches an akuma, following. This is the first time Gabriel has deliberately akumatized his son. She bids her farewell and goes inside her Burrow. Directed by: Cat Noir is the fourth superhero to be akumatized, following Queen Bee into Queen Wasp, Rena Rouge into Rena Rage and Carapace into Shell Shock. Staffel Kagami Tsurugi(mentioned) 8. 22 When Cat Noir is seen trying to fight off the akuma, the ring appears silver. Despite it leading to the two of them becoming a couple, Gabriel tried to use their love against them which led to his attempt to akumatize Marinette. "Félix", "Cat Blanc" is the twenty-second episode of Season 3 of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. This is the first time that when Ladybug was de-evilizing the Akuma, she didn't say her original catchphrase; she said ", When Hawk Moth mentioned the heroes' love being their downfall in ". Derweil trifft Ladybug auf Bunnyx, die Superheldin aus der Zukunft, die gekommen ist, weil Marinettes Fehler desaströse Auswirkungen auf die Zukunft gehabt hat. This is the fourth time two Ladybugs are seen at the same time. Regisseur: Marinette asks her when he’ll be home, but Nathalie doesn’t know and hangs up. 24.6K 504 8. The way Cat Blanc uses Mega Cataclysm, is a variation of a power he was suppose to have in an older concept called the Black Storm but he focuses and releases his power from his hands instead of his ring. Ladybug watches in horror as Hawk Moth transforms him into Cat Blanc with the power of infinite destruction. She then sees Marinette go back to the girls and delightfully explains that she gave her gift to Adrien, causing Alix to give Rose her unicorn plushie back. It infects his bell. Fighting him in his repository, Cat Noir prepares to use Cataclysm, but Hawk Moth says that he doesn’t want to do that while calling him by his real name, revealing that he knows his secret identity. This is one of the few times Ladybug had to save the world on her own. This is the second time Marinette and Adrien share a kiss and briefly become a couple following "Oblivio". Marinette unknowingly led Adrien to discovering her identity. If you have not watched this episode for whatever reasons, it is a big part of the story, so... äk; heartbreak; chatblanc +4 more # 6. Thomas Astruc Nächste Of course, it's just a distraction, and she grabs his bell and breaks it, releasing the akuma. Cat Noir tries to resist, but it proves futile as he apologizes to Ladybug and succumbs to his akumatization. He reminds her that combining their Miraculouses can grant one wish and proclaims that his wish would be to fix everything so that they can be in love again. I'll give you my Miraculous, Cat Noir. Episode I'LL GIVE YOU MY MIRACULOUS, CAT NOIR! Storyboard by: Sie verwandelt sich in Ladybug und hinterlässt das Geschenk in Adriens Zimmer. Nathalie watches this unfold from the window of Gabriel’s atelier and informs Hawk Moth that everything is going according to plan. I take suggestions and ideas. März 2020 im Disney Channel.1 1 Zusammenfassung 2 Vorkommende Charaktere 2.1 Hauptcharaktere 2.2 Nebencharaktere 3 … Going inside Bunnyx’s Burrow, Ladybug figures that when she left her gift as Ladybug for Adrien, Adrien figured out that she was Ladybug and told someone, who eventually told someone else, until it was all over the news. All it took was a girl with a few interesting stories to turn all of her friends against her...and now they want forgiveness. Once inside, she immediately begins admiring all his possessions. She heads to the Agreste mansion, and on her way, Tikki asks Marinette if she’s really going to give her gift to Adrien. When Cat Noir says "the wave of a moth's wing can set off a cataclysm", he is referencing the common saying "the wave of a butterfly's wing can cause a hurricane.". Produktion Thomas AstrucMélanie DuvalFred LenoirSébastien Thibaudeau Bunnyx continues to investigate and learns that Ladybug and Cat Noir had located Hawk Moth. Im Storyboard-Video ist die Maske zu sehen. Miraculous chat blanc episode - Vertrauen Sie dem Testsieger. Gabriel tried to use what he knew to his advantage by akumatizing his son and forcing Adrien to choose. When the akuma enters Cat Noir's bell, the butterfly-shaped light mask's activation sound can be heard when the scene jumps to Cat Noir's face, but the mask doesn't appear on his face nor Hawk Moth's (most likely because they're face to face with each other). [1], Als Marinette zu Adrien nach Hause geht, um ihm dort ein Geschenk zu hinterlassen, wird ihr der Zutritt verwehrt. Unsere Redaktion wünscht Ihnen zu Hause schon jetzt eine Menge Vergnügen mit Ihrem Miraculous chat blanc episode! This is the first time Marinette is shown with her hair down. (opens his eyes) I'm Cat Blanc. Adrien wants to go after her, but his bodyguard prevents him from doing so. Marinette's eyelashes disappear briefly during her conversation with Tikki. Mylène Haprèle 7. #chat blanc #miraculous ladybug #lily-frog art. It's revealed that Adrien has a fifth name which is Athanase. November 2019(Schweiz: Französisch)[2] Though he doesn’t understand what she’s talking about, he’s perfectly fine with it. However, the butterfly-shaped light mask appears in the storyboard of the scene. Plagg suggests that maybe Marinette asked her to, but Adrien quickly realizes that Marinette and Ladybug are the same person and the boy Ladybug had once said she loved was him. So she grabs a pencil and puts her signature on the card before taking off. Cat BlancReleased on February 1, 2020 (Netflix); June 15, 2020 (Disney Channel), Cat Blanc The way they kissed was the same way they did in "Oblivio". 29.11.2019 - Erkunde Paul Leons Pinnwand „CHAT BLANC“ auf Pinterest. Gabriel was oblivious to the pain he caused Adrien. Sympathized, Ladybug looks around him to see where his akuma could be, only for Cat Blanc to say that it’s in his broken heart before attacking her. Miraculous Ladybug Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. Code: Unsere Redaktion hat im großen Miraculous chat blanc episode Vergleich uns jene relevantesten Artikel verglichen sowie alle wichtigsten Informationen recherchiert. Thomas AstrucMorade RahniKarim Bayadh Plagg reminds Adrien that he and Ladybug shouldn’t know each other’s identities, but Adrien insists that she doesn’t need to know his identity just because he knows hers and promises that everything will be okay. In der folgende Liste finden Sie als Kunde unsere beste Auswahl der getesteten Miraculous chat blanc episode, während der erste Platz den Testsieger darstellt. The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir! Adrien and Marinette become an official couple, which is even reported on the news by Nadja Chamack. 39 notes. 5. 322[1] Not to mention, Gabriel broke his promise to Emilie about keeping their son out of harm's way. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Cat Noir, now Cat Blanc, is delighted to see Ladybug, exclaiming that he thought he’d lost her forever and prepares to snatch her earrings, only for Ladybug to kick him away and ask what’s the matter with him. Witnessing the death of future Ladybug and Hawk Moth and the destruction of Paris, Bunnyx pleads with Ladybug to end the nightmare. According to a tweet by Thomas Astruc, Cat Blanc remained alone in his akumatized state for months before Bunnyx transported Ladybug to his timeline. Previous Marinette says that she won’t take no for an answer. 3 60.5K 1.7K 21. Ladybug purifies it, and Cat Blanc turns back into Cat Noir. She reveals that she knows the identities of Ladybug, Cat Noir and a few others. chat noir miraculous Bilder zum Erstellen von chat noir miraculous elektronischen Postkarten, eigenen Profilen, Blogs, Pinnwand-Beiträgen und chat noir miraculous Sammelalben, Seite 1 von 4. However, once she arrives at the mansion, she learns from Nathalie on the intercom that Adrien isn’t home. He spots Marinette’s gift, a beret, on his bed and wonders why Ladybug would leave a gift from Marinette in his room. However, he is still aware of her secret identity, so Ladybug figures that she must use her Lucky Charm to fix the event that caused the bad future. When chat noir is rejected by ladybug for good, he is akumatized ; turning into the notorious "chat blanc". This episode has many notable facts that are erased from reality after Ladybug goes back in time to stop her past self from writing her name on the letter that led Adrien to discover her secret identity. Putting the beret on his head, he runs out of his room, while Plagg compares the situation to smelly cheese, saying that putting it in a box won’t stop it from smelling. While heading towards her, he notices the akuma and, in a panic, transforms into Cat Noir and destroys it with his Cataclysm, much to Marinette’s shock. Despite Ladybug destroying Cat Blanc's tail/belt for mistakenly thinking the akuma was there, the part of the belt that is usually tied up in his waist is still on him until he gets de-akumatized. This is the third time Marinette figured out Cat Noir's identity following ", This marks the second time Marinette learning Adrien's/Cat Noir's identity has been reverted due to time related. Enttäuscht entscheidet sie sich dazu, das zu tun, was ihr strikt untersagt ist: ihre Kräfte für ihre eigenen Interessen zu nutzen. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. 74 She asks Ladybug if she did anything abnormal, but Ladybug cannot think of anything, so she takes her inside her Burrow. As well as Nooroo advising Gabriel about continuing about the dangers of moving on with his dark path. Meanwhile, Adrien begs his bodyguard to let him go after Marinette, to which he reluctantly agrees. Sabrina Raincomprix(alternative future) 12. Storyboard: Meanwhile, Ladybug continues to admire Adrien’s things until she remembers the gift. Vorherige Rose Lavillant 4. Nino Lahiffe(alternative fut… Hawk Moth is shown to be able to call for his cane from afar which could be another ability of being an adult Miraculous holder. So it is very important that she knows how to keep secrets so as not to create a temporal catastrophe, an ability that Ladybug detected in Alix. Autor: Miss Fortune and Chat Blanc are the Akumatized Forms of Ladybug and Chat Noir (AKA: Marinette Dupen-Chang and Adrien Agreste) from Miraculous Ladybug. [1], Aller Anfang ist schwer • Eine böse Weihnachtsüberraschung • Kampf der Königinnen • Tag der Helden • Marinette, die Weihnachtselfe • Der Kampf der Miraculous, Miraculous New York • Miraculous Shanghai • Miraculous Rio de Janeiro • Miraculous Afrika • Miraculous London • Miraculous Japan, MIRACULOUS LADYBUG GEGEN CAT BLANC - TRAILER Geschichten von Ladybug und Cat Noir, MIRACULOUS - Clip Große Fehler Disney Channel , MIRACULOUS LADYBUG GEGEN CAT BLANC STAFFEL 3 Geschichten von Ladybug und Cat Noir, MIRACULOUS LADYBUG GEGEN CAT BLANC - Akumatisierung STAFFEL 3, MIRACULOUS LADYBUG GEGEN CAT BLANC - Offenbarung STAFFEL 3, MIRACULOUS - LADYBUG GEGEN CAT BLANC - Storyboard ✏️ - STAFFEL 3. She looks further and sees that after Marinette had told the girls that she put her gift in Adrien’s room, Adrien had come by, confessed his love to Marinette, and the two kissed, much to the other girls’ delight. Written by: Um Ihnen zu Hause die Wahl des perfekten Produkts wenigstens etwas leichter zu machen, haben unsere Produkttester abschließend den Sieger ausgewählt, der zweifelsfrei von allen Miraculous chat blanc episode extrem auffällig ist - vor allen Dingen im Bezug auf Verhältnismäßigkeit von Preis-Leistung. 322 Nathalie lets Adrien in, and on the way to his room, he asks her to tell his father that he won, to which Nathalie says she’ll do once he finishes working. Tom and Sabine are angry that Gabriel is breaking their daughter’s heart and bans him and Nathalie from ever coming to their bakery again. The girls then spot Marinette coming back and see that she didn’t deliver her gift, much to their disappointment. 68.5K 898 19. However, she finds no akuma inside it. Wird Ladybug ihren Fehler wiedergutmachen können und so die Zukunft retten? Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung war am 5. 74 Season Ladybug refuses and calls on her Lucky Charm, receiving an eraser. Ladybug gegen Cat Blanc February 1, 2020 (Netflix); June 15, 2020 (Disney Channel), November 9, 2019 (Switzerland: French region). Plagg tries to deny it, but it’s too late. Meanwhile at Trocadéro, the girls wait for Marinette to come back from giving a gift to Adrien for his fifth name's day. This is the first time Cat Noir uses Cataclysm on an akuma, which confirms that they can be killed/destroyed. Thomas Astruc #ml #miraculous ladybug #chat blanc #ladybug #bunnix. She then looks back to where Ladybug is fighting Cat Blanc, who demands that she give him her Miraculous so that he can fix everything. Follow . She heads back inside her Burrow in order to be able to jump back into time in case anything goes wrong. While heading back to Trocadéro, Ladybug is met by Bunnyx, who informs her that something had happened to cause a disaster in the future. 802 notes. Cat Blanc says that he’d like to erase the past but there’s only one way. It is then that Cat Noir reveals that he’s been aware that she was Ladybug, and the two tearfully embrace. Adrien is happy about the gift, though Plagg wonders why they didn’t deliver cheese instead. Insgesamt Also beziehen wir die entsprechend hohe Anzahl an Faktoren in die Endwertung mit ein. He then shows Emilie’s body and reveals that everything he is doing is to bring her back. MIRACULOUS CAT BLANC - Storyboard ️ Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. (Cat Blanc stops the Cataclysm and closes his eyes) Cat Blanc: I'm not Cat Noir anymore. Hawk Moth creates an akuma and sends it after Marinette. In the alternate future, she succeeded whilst in the fixed future, she had to erase her name to save the future. März 2020 im Disney Channel. Adrien then walks into his room and is surprised to see Ladybug, who tells him that she was delivering a gift from his Brazilian fans for his fifth name's day since there’s a postal strike there. eona-art. "Timetagger" Later, Marinette visits the Agreste mansion and breaks up with Adrien, much to Adrien's heartbreak. Mit chat noir miraculous Bildern kannst du deine Welt wunderbar personalisieren und mit … Emilie Agreste 2. Unlike them, this time the akuma wasn't driven away but was caught before it could reach her. The way he used it is similar to Son Goku's famous Kamehameha from. Later, Ladybug meets with Cat Noir on a rooftop. Though he is shocked at first, he quickly deduces that the Miraculouses will soon be his. Miraculous but my friends had me redraw memes that had on their computer. The girls all give her a hug. Ladybug goes down below and sees destroyed versions of herself and Hawk Moth. Ladybug sneaks up behind him, tackles him, and takes his staff. Miraculous ladybug one shots by SavvyButterfly. 1. Next Meaning that Ladybug was wise to wait for her and Cat Noir to reveal their identities after Hawk Moth's defeat as she mentioned in "Troublemaker". US airdate: Unbeknownst to her, as she is leaving, Adrien comes into his room and sees her. „Ladybug gegen Cat Blanc“ ist die zweiundzwanzigste Folge der dritten Staffel von Miraculous – Geschichten von Ladybug und Cat Noir. Hawk Moth reclaims his staff and kicks him to the Eiffel Tower and says that they can save his mother with his and Ladybug’s Miraculous. By traveling, Bunnyx can see everything whether past, present or future. Auteur : MIRACULOUS - Les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir Ladybug frantically tells Cat Blanc that she’ll give him her Miraculous, so Cat Blanc deactivates the mega Cataclysm he’d made. Gabriel calling Marinette his masterpiece is what he also called Audrey in ". 3 However, Cat Blanc is conflicted between using his powers on either Ladybug or Hawk Moth and ends up accidentally destroying all of Paris and even the moon, which akumatized superhero made his tragic mistake, by killing his father, his beloved girlfriend. Marinette expresses doubt as to whether or not Adrien will like the gift, though Alya tells her that the only way to know is by giving it to him. Alya is confident that she’ll do it, but Alix is sure she won’t. Der Ring von Cat Noir ist im getarnten Modus, als er den. RTS Deux released a list of all the information of the Season 3 episodes on their. Tikki suggests Marinette give her gift to him at school, but remembering what Rose had said, Marinette decides to sneak the gift into Adrien’s room as Ladybug. Meanwhile, Cat Blanc tells Ladybug that everything had been perfect until Hawk Moth found out about their love, claiming that’s what caused the terrible destruction. Like those episodes, the akuma was kept away from Marinette. While being blinded by the prospect of victory, Gabriel also made another terrible mistake by amplifying his son's powers: he didn't just put Ladybug at the risk of being destroyed but also, by extension, the.

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