Diplôme national de niveau bac + 5, le master se prépare en 4 semestres après une licence (bac + 3) du même domaine. Telephone: 34 934 952 088. Business doesn’t stop at borders. MBA +, Our Master in International Management (MIM) provides you with a theoretical background as well as a rich set of analytical tools that will allow you to perform effectively in The objective of this new Master’s program in International Management is to develop future professionals capable of developing resourceful and innovative skills, and able to pursue successful opportunities in the dynamic international environment. What is a Master in International Management? This multiple degree is a track of MSc Information Management. +, Join some of the brightest innovators from around the world at Audencia Business School. With 20 specializations, 20 international dual degree programs, an array of electives and optional gap year, you can tailor the program to suit your needs, while receiving an outstanding and exhaustive training in management. IUM is a partner of INSEEC U., the leading French group in private higher education with International campuses ; in San Francisco, London, Shanghai, Monaco and Geneva. ... The program International Management was founded in 2010 in order to train highly qualified managers for fast-growing Russian and international companies, as well as researchers in modern management with analytical, leadership, and teamwork skills. English, Spanish. Durée de formation : 2 ans; Niveau terminal d'études : bac + 5 Nature du diplôme : diplôme national ou diplôme d'Etat Les masters. Companies with a world-wide scale of operations are in need of professionals who can adapt to a variety of venues and initiate company practices that encompass the requirements of many cultures. To do so, you’ll have to develop a key skill: the ability to manage yourself. The MSc. A master’s in international management opens the door to career advancement on a world-wide scale. Aurore HAAS. Als Master of Science in International Management ben je een internationaal georiënteerde management allrounder. Maître de Conférences, Responsable de la 2ème année de Master - Management des organisations culturelles. ... The mission of the Master of Science in International Hospitality Management program is to prepare tomorrow’s leaders in the highly competitive international hospitality field. We attract a wide range of talent from around the world, both students and faculty. Le commerce international regroupe le secteur de l’achat, de l’assurance, du marketing, de la finance ou encore du management. Based on Utrecht University’s research expertise, this multidisciplinary Master gives you a deep theoretical understanding of the complex interactions at play in international business. On top of the solid training in the regular Master's in Management degree, you will have the opportunity to develop your international outlook and expand your horizons. In our International Master in Management (IMM) programme, you’ll take courses led by Candidates coming from different degree areas, have to complete previously the Complementary Training module for gaining insight into the fundamentals of management. The program examines the most fundamental concepts in international business including marketing, accounting, business law, and strategic management. Learn the skills needed to tackle this and more with our AMBA-accredited 100% Online MSc International Management, taught through Birmingham Business School. Use our website to find information about degrees and career paths from around the world and speak directly with admissions officers at the schools and universities that interest you. Some programs enable persons who hold bachelor’s degrees in other fields to change careers or advance in their current positions. ... MSc. ... ... Le Master Management et Commerce International a reçu l'accréditation EFMD en avril 2008. Le MS/LLM Droit et Management International apporte à des juristes de haut niveau une maîtrise parfaite des enjeux de l’entreprise : un atout clé sur un marché de plus en plus compétitif. ISCTE Business School – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. +, This program is targeted towards students from diverse backgrounds, both cultural and academic, wishing to gain a general management education with the additional benefit of s ... Contribuer au développement de la performance des entreprises et des organisations à l’international La globalisation croissante des marchés expose les entreprises à de nouveaux défis, rendant crucial le développement de futurs managers capables d’y faire face. Le commerce doit donc prendre en compte les attentes des consommateurs potentiels. And neither should you. The Department of Management offers programs designed to help students start, lead and grow businesses. Advanced business courses offered through this program adopt a global prospective in approach and are accompanied by studies specific to the governments and economics of other countries. The knowledge and skills gained during the MSc in Global Management program will provide a solid foundation for careers in all sectors. This program is designed to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges that business and society faces right now. +, The MSc. You will deepen your specialist knowledge of marketing and sales-related issues - with a focus on international business management. Advanced Masters / MS. Advanced Master Strategy & Management of International Business (MS SMIB) Mastère Spécialisé ® Marketing Management et Digital (MMD) Mastère Spécialisé ® Droit des Affaires Internationales et Management (DAIM) / LL.M. It broadens your understanding and empowers you to develop new team-building, analytical-thinking and project-management skills. Read more. Career opportunities are plentiful and diverse. This exciting field of study equips graduates to enhance their car… The programme content is not available in the language in which you're browsing. This implies that all courses have a broader international focus, meaning the programme prepares you for management positions in varied and complex international environments. The MSc Management in International Business program uses an international perspective to approach the key concepts and skills of successful management. +, By the time you are finished with this two-year, full-time programme at one of the world’s most European and international business schools, you will have already worked in a Le master Management et Commerce international a pour vocation de former des cadres de haut niveau maîtrisant l'ensemble des savoirs nécessaires à leur insertion dans leur vie professionnelle dans tous les domaines du commerce européen et international. Master the hard knowledge, the soft skills and the adaptable mindset to manage cultural differences, mobilise diverse teams and do business in a complex international context. Mastère Spécialisé ® Gestion Achats Internationaux & Supply Chain (GAISC) Some programs enable persons who hold bachelor’s degrees in other fields to change careers or advance in their current positions. ... Advanced business courses offered through this program adopt a global prospective in approach and are accompanied by studies specific to the governments and economics of other countries. The Master of International Management (MIM) is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in international business management.The degree is geared towards recent undergraduates or working professionals with less than two years of experience. Project in Action exposes you to the complexities of real-life business. The Danish business school has improved its score for diversity since last year’s ranking. The courses are selected with a multicultural and multidisciplinary audience in mind. You’ll be challenged to rethink your own approaches, values and perspectives as you explore a new kind of leadership – the kind of leader you aspire to become. To explore your options, search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form. Our #1 ranked Master of Global Management (MGM) is the world's top global management program. Copenhagen Business School has climbed six places to joint ninth, a rank it shares with ESCP Europe Business School. in International Management is designed for business graduates looking to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills at an advanced level. Le Master Management International vise à former des étudiants de niveau licence pour leur permettre d’intégrer des fonctions de management nécessitant une connaissance de la gestion des entreprises dans les zones économiques émergentes. ... Lionel GARREAU. This exciting field of study equips graduates to enhance their careers in a variety of areas. This programme Watch the video of the International Management Programme. Il a pour objectif de former des cadres de haut niveau compétents sur l’ensemble de la chaîne export en général, et sur l’approche de nouveaux marchés à l’étranger en particulier. Cost will vary by location and institution. The specializations focus on three main areas: consultancy, global innovation, and entrepreneurship. Furtwangen University/HFU Business School. ... In our International Master in Management (IMM) programme, you’ll take courses led by global experts within a highly international campus and curriculum. Specifically, it provides a sound knowledge in international management with a quantitative approach, alongside solid foundations in economics and law. Thunderbird School of Global Management is the most global and digital school of international business, leadership and management in the world. The degree is also eligible to be combined with a GWSB’s bachelor’s degree in the 4+1 Program, allowing you to earn a bachelor’s and a master’s in five years. Ce programme sur 2 ans a l’ambition de former de jeunes professionnels ouverts aux transformations globales et digitales, avec un regard particulier sur les … Le commerce international, c’est l’échange de biens et de services au niveau mondial. You will learn about the strategies involved in hosting international events from music festivals to corporate hospitality and from business-related meetings to conferences and exhibitions. Maître de Conférences, Responsable de la 2ème année de Master - Stratégie et Organisation. Our Master in International Management (MIM) provides you with a theoretical background as well as a rich set of analytical tools that will allow you to perform effectively in an international business environment. You manage international marketing and advertising campaigns, working with partners, colleagues and agencies around the world: With a Master’s degree in International Marketing you can take over marketing management in a global company. ... Extra courses may be required for applicants with bachelor’s degrees in unrelated fields. No programs meet your search criteria. Email: mscmanagement@esade.edu. Our graduates are: ethically sensitive decision-makers well versed in best practices of their chosen professions, and ready to perform in the global environment. Our world-class Master in Management is a gateway to a thriving international career in business, whatever path you wish to pursue. What is a Master in International Management? An understanding of different traditions and practices can lead to growth through the development of adaptability and adoption of new ideas. The program examines t The Global MiM is a two-year, full time course starting in September, where you attain two internationally recognised degrees: a Masters in Management (MiM) and a Masters in Science (MSc) in International Business.
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