Le vainqueur de l'édition 2019 est le Kosovo U-21. IHF Inter-Continental Trophy; Current season, competition or edition: 2019 IHF Inter-Continental Trophy: Sport: Handball: Founded: 2011: Inaugural season: 2011: Countries: 6: Confederation: 6: Most recent champion(s) Men's Junior - Kosovo Men's Youth - Chinese Taipei Women's - Guadeloupe: Official website: IHF… Les équipes sont limitées aux joueurs de moins de 19 ans. Results; IHF Trophy Photos; U17; U19; IHF Nominees. Log into your account. Le IHF Trophy Hommes U-21 2019 est la 1ère édition de cette épreuve. ihf trophy-2019 ОЛОН УЛСЫН ГАНДБОЛЫН ХОЛБООНЫ ЦОМЫН АВАРГА ШАЛГАРУУЛАХ ”TROPHY-2019” ТЭМЦЭЭН ТЭМЦЭЭНИЙГ ЯВУУЛАХ ТУХАЙ The tourneys will be staged simultaneously at the new Lifezone Team Handball Academy in West Dundee, Illinois from 7 … Nigeria U18 female handball team narrowly defeated host Guniea 32-31 in her opening match of the 2019 IHF Challenge Trophy (the intercontinental phase) in Conakry. Sign in to add files to this folder. The junior side will now contest the IHF Trophy Intercontinental Phase, where they will have the chance to qualify for the 2019 IHF Men’s Junior (U21) World Championship. Peter Thome Gummerstraße 66 51647 Gummersbach Telefon: +49 2261 921931 E-Mail: praesident@hovawart.org. El IHF Trophy Sur y Centroamericano U-17 y U-19 2019 de balonmano tuvo como protagonistas a las selecciones femeninas de Guatemala, quienes se quedaron con las medallas de oro y plata tras su excelente participación en Colombia. Norombahin’ireo zazavavy sokajy juniors ny anaram-boninahitra tompondakan’i Afrika Faritra fahenina sy fahafito, teo amin’ny taranja handball. IHF Trophy Afrique: les juniors filles ont déjà la tête au Guinée-Conakri Par Les Nouvelles sur 19/06/2019 La sélection nationale U20 féminine a d’ores et déjà le regard fixé sur l’International handball Federation Trophy (IHF), prévu du 23 au 30 juillet, au Guinée-Conakri. Download. Lyngsøe said he is hoping to keep all the players together for as long as possible, and that the great results from the Under 20s will help inspire the younger team members. NZ Handball Federation is delighted to announce the players who have been selected to represent New Zealand and Oceania at the IHF Intercontinental Trophy tournament, in April in Kosovo. Elección de una temporada : La compétition a eu lieu du 10 au 14 avril 2019 à Prishtina au Kosovo. Google apps. Elle concerne les garçons de moins de 21 ans et les filles de moins de 20 ans IHF Trophy Femmes 2019. Phase Continentale NORCA Kenya will field junior and youth women’s teams during the inaugural International Handball Federation (IHF) Trophy Zone 5 set for March 10-16 in Zanzibar. ... 01 February 2019 - 00:00 . Saturday, 4 May 2019 IHF Women's Junior & Youth Handball Trophy - East & SEA Zone 1B 2019 IHF Women's Junior & Youth Handball Trophy - East & SEA Zone 1-B 2019 was held in Jakarta, Indonesia from May 1 to May 5. No files in this folder. The U.S. will get to host a Zone Tournament as they seek to re-claim the title in 2019. USATH will hold open tryouts leading up to the Women’s Youth and Junior IHF Trophy tournament ... IHF Trophy. Junior tournament Qualified teams Download. The 2019 IHF Inter-Continental Trophy was the fourth edition of the competition held in Pristina, Kosovo from 10 to 14 April 2019. Sport Handball: Zone 6 IHF Trophy Girls Tournament Junior selection edge out Malawi | 14 June 2019 Youth team lose to South Africa and Mozambique. your username. It featured a men's youth (U-19) … May 30, 2019. Les équipes sont limitées aux joueurs de moins de 21 ans. Daniel Triebsch. L’IHF trophy est organisé pour les pays où le handball est en voie de développement. Men's Junior Tournament Summary Handball - Men's IHF Trophy U-21 2019 - Summary of the current competition. 2019 NZ U19 TEAM REPRESENTING OCEANIA AT THE IHF INTERCONTINENTAL TROPHY TOURNAMENT, KOSOVO, 10-15 APRIL 2019. La compétition a eu lieu du 10 au 14 avril 2019 à Prishtina au Kosovo. The IHF Inter-Continental Trophy has been organised by the IHF since 2011. IHF Trophy Moved to Next Year 1 day ago Sports Zimbabwe will have to wait a little bit longer to host the International Handball Federation Trophy Zone Six tournament after they agreed with their regional counterparts to move the event to next year. L’équipe nationale cadette de handball est donc […] Tamin’ny niakaran’izy ireo ny tendron’ny lampihazon’ny “IHF Trophy”, notanterahina tany Rwanda, tamin’iny herinandro iny no nahazoana izany. 29/MAY/2019. In their second match yesterday, the girls of coach Tony Hortère were to … Le IHF Trophy Hommes U-19 2019 est la 1ère édition de cette épreuve. There will be a golf competition on Sunday and this year we are introducing a new event, the Battle of the Branches where teams from each Branch will compete in lots of fun Welcome! The 2019 IHF Women's Trophy junior competitions will be for players born in 2000 and younger, while the 2019 IHF Women's Trophy youth competitions will be for players born in 2002 and younger. On Friday the 9th August, two NZ women teams travelled to New Caledonia to compete at the 2019 IHF Continental Trophy. Starts: 25 October Ends: 05 January It is a biennial tournament played among emerging nations in under-21 (junior) and under-19 (youth) categories. The NZ Under 17 team with Viking player Paris Tuimaseve-Fox and the NZ Under 19 team with Vikings players Kristina Hames and Ella Amos have trained hard over the last few months towards this tournament. It featured a men's youth (U-19) tournament and a men's junior (U-21) tournament. Download. Cette compétition est entièrement financée par l’IHF(voyages, hébergement,restauration). The IHF has awarded hosting rights to the U.S. for both Youth and Jr IHF Trophy Competitions. Congratulations to the following players selected to represent New Zealand in the women's Junior and Youth teams at the IHF Oceania Tournament to be held in New Caledonia, 11-17 August 2019. The IHF Inter-Continental Trophy has been organized by the International Handball Federation since 2011. NZ TEAMS ANNOUNCED - 2019 WOMEN’S IHF OCEANIA TROPHY TOURNAMENT. The Irish Hotels Federation will host Looking Beyond, the 2019 Annual Conference and Showtel Exhibition at the Gleneagle Hotel & INEC, Killarney, Co. Kerry, from Sunday 3rd March to Tuesday 5th March 2019. There have been mixed results for our two national selections taking part in the Africa Zone six of the International Handball Federation (IHF) Trophy tournament presently taking place in Lusaka, Zambia. Private Policy, GDPR Il s’agit de la troisième victoire des cadettes guinéennes après avoir remporté vendredi le match contre le Cameroun (39-24) et la large victoire sur la Zambie (57-19). Opening Ceremony. It is a biennial tournament played among emerging nations in under-21 (junior) and under-19 (youth) categories. The 2019 IHF Inter-Continental Trophy was the fourth edition of the competition held in Pristina, Kosovo from April 10 to 14 2019. IHF Continental Trophy 2019 – women Posted by Vkings HC Admin Just a few days ago the IHF Continental Trophy Oceania finished with a great result for the NZHF U17 and U19 female teams. Awarding Ceremony. 30/MAY/2019. IHF TROPHY-2019. The 2019 IHF Inter-Continental Trophy was the fourth edition of the competition held in Pristina, Kosovo from 10 to 14 April 2019. The head coach, Yusuf Abdulkadir told www.aclsports.com that nothing will stop Nigeria from qualifying for the 2020 Women’s cadet World Handball Championship. Victorieuse de l’Ouganda ce dimanche (37-31), la Guinée a fini deuxième de la phase continentale de l’IHF Trophy, dans la catégorie des cadettes. The under-18 selection taking part in the Africa Zone six of the International Handball Federation (IHF) Trophy tournament taking place in Lusaka, Zambia, had a perfect debut with a 34-11 win over Lesotho on Tuesday. Quaid-e-Azam Trophy 2020-21 Venue: National Stadium, United Bank Limited Sports Complex, NBP Stadium and State Bank Ground. Balonmano - IHF Trophy Masculino Sub-21 - 2019 - Inicio. Le vainqueur de l'édition 2019 est Taïwan U-19. IHF Challenge Trophy: Handball president urges national teams to keep winning On February 27, 2019 5:05 pm In News , Sports by vanguard Kindly Share This Story: Location: Montreal, CANADA. your password Date: 16-20 October 2019.

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