No exhibitions or events will take place in our museums until further notice. You can zoom in to see every brush stroke and hear audio guides from expert museum curators. We work with cultural institutions and artists around the world. From the Big Bang to the most recent discoveries, journey with the Natural History Museum and Google Arts & Culture through a story of natural history breakthroughs. Find more information regarding cookies on our Data Protection Declaration and regarding us on the Imprint. Get inspiration for which museums and galleries to visit this weekend and warm up for some culture by taking a virtual tour of these top museums around the world. Origins of the solar system. Google ended up paying $125 million to copyright-holders of the protected books, though the settlement agreement was modified and debated several times before it was ultimately rejected by federal courts. The Google Arts & Culture stirred up debate among scholars, museum personnel, art critics, and news writers. Google Arts & Culture The MNACTEC presents 3 exhibitions, 200 items from the collections and a virtual tour. Tripbru is a digital tourism platform for Museums, Cities and Cultural Centers with particular focus on expert collaborators providing premium content. [18], The platform has been integrated with the social media platform Google+ to enable users to share their personal collections with their networks. Die Kooperation wurde in den vergangenen Jahren sukzessive erweitert, so dass nunmehr insgesamt 10 Häuser, über 5.000 Objekte, 50 Ausstellungen, 37 Kurzgeschichten, 5 Virtual-Reality-Touren, 6 Expeditionen, 8 Gigapixel sowie Streetviews zu allen Häusern mit Dauerausstellungen auf der Online-Plattform vertreten sind. Now, unlike at the Tate, from the site, one can view the painting in both light settings. They created an indoor-version of the Google Street View 360-degree camera system to capture gallery images by pushing the camera 'trolley' through a museum. Deutsche Kunst im Zeitalter von Dürer und Cranach, Rüstkammer, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Skulpturensammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Staatliche Ethnographische Sammlungen Sachsen, Dresden. This technology allowed the excellent attention to detail and the highest image resolution. After this controversy, Google took a different approach to intellectual property rights for the Google Arts & Culture. [18] Finally, the platform incorporates Google's URL shortener (, so that users can save and easily share their personal collections. [2], Some artworks were particularly difficult to capture and re-present accurately as virtual, two-dimensional images. [33], The initiative has partnered with a number of institutions to make exhibition and archival content available online, including the British Museum,[34][35][36] Yad Vashem,[37][38] the Museo Galileo in Florence,[39] Center for Jewish History in New York City,[40] Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum,[41] and the Museum of Polish History in Warsaw. Museum experts tell a story of scientific discovery through the collection. Google Arts and Culture offer an abundance of experiences for kids to enjoy including visiting famous landmarks from around the world, exploring art and artefact collections from Galleries and Museums, learning about history and even exploring the Namib Dune from NASA’s Mars Rover. ", "Art is Long; Copyrights Can Be Even Longer", Google Cultural Institute brings dozens of new exhibits online, Google Unveils Museum Exhibitions Project, Google Brings History to Life with Online Exhibitions, From Sutton Hoo to the soccer pitch: culture with a click, The Museo Galileo on the Google Cultural Institute, Wystawa Muzeum Historii Polski w Google Cultural Institute, Polska historia w Google Cultural Institute, "Google's Art Project Extended Worldwide", "Promotion of Virtual Tourism through Google Art Projects", "Who Says We Know: On the New Politics of Knowledge", "LACMA, Getty among 134 museums joining Google's art site", "Muzeul National de Istorie Naturala Grigore Antipa #48", "Google Art: See Paintings like never before", "Google and Museums Around the World Unveil Art Project", "National Treasures: Google Art Project Unlocks Riches of World's Galleries", "Google Art Project: The 7 Billion Pixel Masterpieces", "Online gallery zooms in on Prado's masterpieces (even the smutty bits)", Amit Sood: Building a museum of museums on the web,, Pages with login required references or sources, Articles containing potentially dated statements from December 2013, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Neue Kammern, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten, Porzellansammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Renaissance und Reformation. Street View was also integrated with Picasa, for a seamless transition from gallery view to microscope view. It’s your doorway to explore the art, history, people and wonders of our world. All images shown are actual images from Google Arts & Culture: On April 3, 2012, Google announced the expansion of the platform to include 151 cultural organizations, with new partners contributing a gigapixel image of one of their works. [51] It provides people the opportunity to experience art individually, and a platform to become involved in the conversation. By December 2013[update], the contents of the project were accessible from Google Cultural Institute, an initiative unveiled by Google following the 2011 launch of Google Arts & Culture (known as Google Art Project at the time of launch). It also features digitized objects from archives, libraries, and a wider array of museums not strictly devoted to art.[45]. The  cooperation has been successively expanded in recent years, so that now  total of 10 museums, more than 5,000 objects, 50 exhibitions, 37 short narratives, 5 virtual reality tours, 6 expeditions, and 8 works of art shown in a Gigapixel format, as well as Street Views of all the museums with permanent exhibitions are represented on the platform. She then outlined the museum's objective to conserve, protect, present, and interpret exhibits, explaining how electronic media could help achieve these goals. This was Museums and the Web 2018, and it has already been a big year for Google Arts and Culture in the museum world. [4], The resulting platform is a Java-based Google App Engine Web application, which exists on Google's infrastructure. These situations might include: a professor giving an online lecture to students, engaging in video and shared-screen discussions about a collection, or an expert leading a virtual tour of a distant museum to remote attendees. See art in Amsterdam, Bilbao, Mexico City. The Google Arts & Culture platform can also be used as a support for teachers as it brings historical information on cultural movements, materials, and texts related to the museums. Google Books cataloged full digital copies of texts, including those still protected by copyright, though Google claimed it was permissible under the fair use clause. Once the viewer is looking at the shape from the intended vantage point, the lifelike depiction of the skull materializes. [15] On April 3, 2012, Google announced a major expansion, with more than 34,000 artworks from 151 museums and arts organizations from 40 countries, including the Art Gallery of Ontario, the White House, the Australian Rock Art Gallery at Griffith University, the Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, and the Hong Kong Museum of Art.[16]. This is a … Explore 1 billion years of Natural History with @nhm_london %26 @googlearts %23PreviouslyOnEarth. Features of first-generation Google Arts & Culture, Features of second-generation Google Arts & Culture, Partial list of Google Cultural Institute partners, The Appearance of Christ Before the People, Bildergalerie, Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds, Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Oldenburg, MAK – Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst, Museum für Sächsische Volkskunst mit Puppentheatersammlung, Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Stiftung Brandenburger Tor im Max Liebermann Haus, Technoseum - Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim, VDMD – Netzwerk Deutscher Mode- und Textil-Designer, "Google Goes Global with Expanded Art Project", "Google Art Project and White House Launch 360 Tour of 'People's House, "Israel Museum showcased in Google Art Project", "Google's Art Project grows larger with 151 museums online across 140 countries", "Explore museums and great works of art in the Google Art Project", "Google Art Project features White House, the Met, National Gallery", "National Treasures: Google Art Project unlocks riches of world's galleries", "Google and museums around the world unveil Art Project",, "The Google Art Project: A New Generation of Museums on the Web? Each image was mapped according to longitude and latitude, so that users can seamlessly transition to it from Google Maps, looking inside the partner museums’ galleries. Share . The Google camera team had to adapt their method and keep the camera shutter open for 8 seconds in the dark to capture a distinct enough image. The Cultural Institute was launched in 2011 with 42 new exhibits online on October 10, 2012. [50] It aims to give more people access to art by removing barriers like cost and location. Since its initial launch, it has received fairly consistent positive feedback and a variety of criticism. Since its initial launch, it has received fairly consistent positive feedback and a variety of criticism. Some art or cultural exhibits have been limited to a small group of viewers (e.g. [27][28][29][30][31] The Cultural Institute strove "to make important cultural material available and accessible to everyone and to digitally preserve it to educate and inspire future generations. [17], Once the images were captured, the team used Google Street View software and GPS data to seamlessly stitch the images and connect them to museum floor plans. A few initial criticisms of the platform, including the skewed representation of artworks, have lost some validity with the launch of the second generation platform. [11] A small team of employees created the concept for the platform after a discussion on how to use the firm's technology to make museum’ artwork more accessible. You can redraw your consent to using these cookies at any time. To maximize image quality, the team coordinated with partner museums’ lighting technicians and photography teams. [44], In addition to Google Arts & Culture, the Cultural Institute includes the World Wonders Project, which presents three-dimensional recreations of world heritage sites, and archival exhibitions, many in partnership with museums around the world. Digitized reproductions, however, can be accessible to anyone from any location. From unicorns to krakens, and mermaids to dragons, these magical beasts share more than you might think with many natural … Together, our mission is to preserve and bring the world’s art and culture online so it’s accessible to anyone, anywhere. Website created by Google Cultural Institute. Explore our online offers instead! This platform also provides a new context through which people encounter art, ultimately reflecting this shift away from the canon of high art.[3]. [18], Luc Vincent, director of engineering at Google and head of the team responsible for Street View for the platform, stated concern over the quality of panorama cameras his team used to capture gallery and artwork images.

Théâtre Des Célestins Remboursement, échauffement Corporel Théâtre, Restauration Automobile Toulon, Pneumologie Chal 74, Citation Homme Femme, Super U Mon Compte, Doctolib Laboratoire Bourg-la-reine,