Nel 308, alla conferenza di Carnunto, elevò Licinio direttamente al rango di augusto, riconoscendo Costantino come cesare; a seguito delle proteste contro l'elezione di Licinio, i due cesari, Costantino e Massimino Daia, si autoproclamarono a loro volta augusti nel 310. 1 Maii 305 et Diocletianus et Maximianus Augusti abdicaverunt. ", This page was last edited on 21 December 2020, at 13:16. [28] The Romans, in any case, treated Narseh's captured family well perhaps seeking to evoke comparisons to Alexander and his beneficent conduct towards the family of Darius III. Soon after his appointment, Galerius was dispatched to Egypt to fight the rebellious cities Busiris and Coptos. When Galerius finally began his withdrawal from Italy, it was only with great difficulty that he managed to stop his veterans deserting him.[31]. [28], The conditions of the Peace of Nisibis were heavy:[26] Persia would give up territory to Rome, making the Tigris the boundary between the two empires. Galerius (Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus, ~250 – 5 May 311), was Roman Emperor from 305 to 311.. Galerius served as a soldier with distinction. Galerius Maximianus synonyms, Galerius Maximianus pronunciation, Galerius Maximianus translation, English dictionary definition of Galerius Maximianus. He was Caesar from 285 to 286, then Augustus from 286 to 305. Galerius was born in Dacia Ripensis near Sardica. Pochodził z Ilirii, karierę wojskową rozpoczął jako prosty żołnierz w armii Aureliana, a później Probusa.Wsławił się zwycięską wojną z Persami w latach 297-299. [24], Galerio respinse la prima offensiva di Narsete, ma il sovrano sasanide, nel 296, tornò con un esercito ancora più grande e, aggirando le difese frontaliere romane passando per il regno di Armenia di Tiridate, penetrò in Mesopotamia e di qui in Siria. [29] Narseh retreated to Armenia to fight Galerius' force, to Narseh's disadvantage; the rugged Armenian terrain was favorable to Roman infantry, but not to Sassanid cavalry. The earlier dates for Galerius' appointment have been argued for based on the suggestion that the appointments of Constantius and Galerius were timed to coincide (Barnes 1981, 8–9; Southern 1999, 146). Corcoran, "Before Constantine", Simon. [25] Southern (1999, 149) dates the invasion to 295; Barnes (1982, 17, 293) mentions an earlier, unsuccessful invasion by Narseh based on the fact that the title Persici Maximi was given to all four emperors; Odahl (2004, 59) concurs with Barnes and suggests that Saracen princes in the Syrian desert collaborated with Narseh's invasion. Diocleziano annunciò la sua intenzione di abdicare, dopo aver nominato i due nuovi cesari; con grande sorpresa delle truppe, i prescelti non furono Massenzio e Costantino, ma Flavio Valerio Severo e Massimino Daia, il primo collaboratore di Galerio e il secondo suo nipote e guardia del corpo.[32]. Galerius was born near Serdica,[16] in Dacia Ripensis, later named Dacia Mediterranea, though some modern scholars consider the strategic site where he later built his palace named after his mother – Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad) – his birth and funeral place. Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus Augustus AD305 ~ AD311 Galerius Maximianus was born in 250 to a common family and began as a herdsman just like his father before him. After a few years campaigning against Sarmatians and Goths on the Danube, he received command of the legions on the eastern imperial limits. Galeriusz, Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus (ur.250, zm. 260, død april eller mai 311) var romersk keiser fra 305 til 311.Mer nøyaktig var han fra 1. mars eller 21. mai 293 og til 1. mai 305 cæsar under Diokletian. He appears to have first invaded western Armenia, retaking the lands delivered to Tiridates in the peace of 287. C. Galerius Valerius Maximianus Augustus). Maximianus Herculius (286-305 A.D) Michael DiMaio, Jr. Salve Regina University. During his reign he campaigned, aided by Diocletian, against the Sassanid Empire, sacking their capital Ctesiphon in 299. Ia juga berkampanye menyeberangi Danube melawan Carpi, mengalahkan mereka pada 297 dan 300. I candidati più verosimili erano Costantino, figlio di Costanzo, e Massenzio, figlio di Massimiano, ma entrambi non erano ben visti da Galerio. [28], Le negoziazioni per la pace non iniziarono in maniera brillante. Scendendo lungo il Tigri, raggiunse e conquistò la città di Ctesifonte, per poi tornare in territorio romano percorrendo il corso dell'Eufrate. [37], Initially one of the leading figures in the persecutions, Galerius later admitted that the policy of trying to eradicate Christianity had failed, saying: "wherefore, for this our indulgence, they ought to pray to their God for our safety, for that of the republic, and for their own, that the republic may continue uninjured on every side, and that they may be able to live securely in their homes." Galerius was buried in his mausoleum at Gamzigrad-Romuliana, which was part of the palace he built at his birthplace, today's Zaječar in Serbia. [26] Diocletian may or may not have been present to assist the campaign. In questa veste condusse delle campagne lungo il limes danubiano - contro Sarmati, Carpi e Bastarni (294-296) - per poi conseguire una grande e prestigiosa vittoria contro i Sasanidi sul limes orientale, a seguito della quale i Romani ottennero condizioni di pace favorevolissime (298). Names: c.255: Maximinus (?) It was not a moment too soon; large monetary gifts from Maxentius to his soldiers had corrupted the fidelity of the Illyrian legions. This edition and translation is not very good. [25] La notizia della sconfitta romana fu la scintilla della rivolta in Egitto, in cui Lucio Domizio Domiziano si proclamò imperatore; Diocleziano fu costretto a recarsi personalmente nella provincia per sedare la rivolta, cosa che avvenne solo nella primavera del 298. The pagination is broken in several places, there are many typographical errors (including several replacements of "Julian" with "Jovian" and "Constantine" with "Constantius"). Successor of: Diocletian Relatives: teljes nevén Caius Galerius Valerius Maximianus, római császár, azaz augustus 305-től … teljes nevén Caius Galerius Valerius Maximianus, római császár, azaz augustus 305-től … Nixon, C.E.V., and Barbara Saylor Rodgers, ed. Galerius Roman emperor (250-311) Bust de Galeri, fet amb pòrfir. Galerius’ plan soon failed. Galerius (latin: Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus Augustus; født ca. în ţinutul Gamzigrad, localitate în aprorierea actualului oraş sârb Zaječar, nu departe de Dunăre şi Vidin. Galerio nacque nei pressi di Serdica (odierna Sofia, in Bulgaria), una cittadina della Dacia ripensis[7], attorno al 250; il padre, il cui nome non ci è pervenuto, era un contadino traco-romano[8][9][10] mentre sua madre, Romula[11], era una donna daco-romana[8][12]. Quest'ultimo allora, nel tentativo di porre rimedio alla crisi che stava minando l'istituzione tetrarchica, chiese a Diocleziano di presenziare un convegno nel quale sarebbe stato nominato un nuovo augusto. GALERIO (Galerius Valerius Maximianus). [43], Galerius Peak in Antarctica is named after Emperor Galerius.[44]. [29], Nel 299, mentre con Diocleziano si trovava in Siria al termine della campagna sasanide, assisteva a dei sacrifici quando i sacerdoti si accorsero che i segni normalmente rinvenibili nelle vittime sacrificali erano assenti, e non si trovavano neppure rifacendo i sacrifici. [citation needed] Here it was agreed that Galerius’ long-time friend and military companion Licinius, who had been entrusted by Galerius with the defense of the Danube while Galerius was in Italy, would become Augustus in the West, with Constantine as his Caesar. Galerio divenne dunque l'augusto d'Oriente, con Costanzo Cloro come collega d'Occidente; la sua influenza fu ancora più vasta in considerazione del fatto che il cesare d'Oriente fu suo nipote Massimino Daia, mentre in Occidente fu nominato Flavio Severo, che aveva combattuto sotto di lui. Successor of: Diocletian Relatives: ", Lenski, Noel. In frustration, Galerius allowed his legions to ravage the countryside as they passed northwards. During his reign he campaigned, aided by Diocletian, against the Sassanid Empire, sacking their capital Ctesiphon in 299. As caesar and a victorious commander, he apparently induced Diocletian to begin the persecutions In 305, on the abdication of Diocletian and Maximianus, he at once assumed the title of Augustus, with Constantius his former colleague, and having procured the promotion to the rank of Caesar of Flavius Valerius Severus, a faithful servant, and Daia … Military service during the reigns of Aurelian, Probus, and Carus At first it appears he worked as a herdsman, before joining the army. View item Koci (Czech Republic) Rom: Ae-31 (Follis) 298/299 n. Chr. Galerius, a native of Illyria, was made Caesar 1 March, 293, by Diocletian, whose daughter Valeria he married and who in turn adopted her husband.The latter began his career as an illiterate shepherd, was a man of violent character, fond of pleasure and politically insignificant; but he was an efficient soldier and a loyal and devoted henchman of Diocletian. Seeing that he was facing ever-greater difficulties, Galerius made the first advances towards reconciliation, and dispatched two officers to tempt the Romans by the offer of a conference, and the declaration of his paternal regard for Maxentius, reminding them that they would obtain much more from his willing generosity than anything that might have been obtained through a military campaign. GAL VAL MAXIMIANVS NOB CAES, laureate head right / GENIO POPV-L-I ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked except for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera from which liquid flows, and … 250 - AD 311) Galerius was born in about AD 250 in a little Danubian village near Florentiana in Upper Moesia. Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus, född cirka 250 i Serdica i Trakien, död 5 maj 311, var romersk kejsare från 305 till 311.Han är känd för sina förföljelser av kristna [1].. Galerius var en illyrisk officer [2], som år 293 utnämndes av Diocletianus till cæsar med verksamhetsområde i Orienten. Maximianus moest opnieuw aftreden en Licinius, een militaire kameraad van Galerius, werd tot Augustus van het Westen benoemd. When the Tetrarchy was introduced by Diocletian in 293 Galerius and Constantius Chlorus were given the rank of Caesar.Galerius married Diocletian's daughter Valeria, and took over the Illyrian provinces. [24], Galerio durante l'assenza di Diocleziano, richiamò l'esercito danubiano, e attaccò i Sasanidi (inverno 297/298) seguendo un piano ardimentoso. Going by the list of deified emperors, Galerius was perhaps the final Roman emperor deified upon his death. Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus (AD ca. Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus Augustus AD305 ~ AD311. According to Lactantius, Galerius affirmed his Dacian identity and avowed himself the enemy of the Roman name once made emperor, even proposing that the empire should be called, not the Roman, but the Dacian Empire, much to the horror of the patricians and senators. Ignoto l'anno della nascita. [26][28], During the second encounter, the Battle of Satala in 298, Roman forces seized Narseh's camp, his treasury, his harem, and his wife. Text: Image: NICOMEDIA ENTRIES IN RIC VI: Nicomedia RIC VI 3 300 AD. [30] Under the terms of the peace, Tiridates would regain both his throne and the entirety of his ancestral claim, and Rome would secure a wide zone of cultural influence in the region. L'editto prescriveva: a) il rogo dei libri sacri, la confisca dei beni delle chiese e la loro distruzione; b) il divieto per i cristiani di riunirsi e di tentare azioni giuridiche; c) la perdita di carica e privilegi per i cristiani di alto rango che si rifiutassero di abiurare; d) l'arresto di alcuni funzionari statali. in full Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus born , near Serdica, Thrace died 311 Roman emperor (305–311) notorious for his persecution of Christians. [26] Peace negotiations began in the spring of 299, with both Diocletian and Galerius presiding. 2, 3; Aurelius Victor p. 39. Gli imperatori, indignati, ordinarono a tutti i membri della corte di sacrificare agli dèi; per di più, a tutti i comandanti militari fu ordinato di far sacrificare ciascuno dei propri soldati, pena l'allontanamento dall'esercito. Genius n. links stehend very fine-extremly fine: [17][18]:19 He originally followed his father's occupation, that of a herdsman, where he was nicknamed Armentarius, herdsman (Latin: armentum, lit. "The Date of the Persecution of Christians in the Army". Delivery: 7 - 10 days. He sought to identify himself with the warlike reigns of Ardashir (r. 226–41) and Shapur (r. 241–72), who had sacked Roman Antioch and captured Emperor Valerian. The two persons whom Galerius promoted to the rank of Caesar were very much his creatures, and he hoped to enhance his authority throughout the empire with their elevation. Although the date of his birth is unknown, he was probably born ca. Roman Emperor, was adopted by Diocletian and named his co-regent in 285, because by this division of the sovereignty the danger of the warriors' mutiny, the ambitious efforts of the usurpers, and the attacks of foreign enemies seemed to be prevented in the surest way. Galerius's last request, that Christians should pray for him as he suffered with a painful and fatal illness, was in vain for he died six days later. When the Tetrarchy was introduced by Diocletian in 293 Galerius and Constantius Chlorus were given the rank of Caesar.Galerius married Diocletian's daughter Valeria, and took over the Illyrian provinces. 287-293 AD. Galerius (Latin language: Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus Augustus; c. 260 – April or May 311), was Roman Emperor from 305 to 311. Galerius. Maximianus keerde begin 309 terug naar Constantijn in Gallia . His father was a simple peasant and his mother, called Romula, came from beyond the Danube. in full Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus born , near Serdica, Thrace died 311 Roman emperor (305–311) notorious for his persecution of Christians. 5 maja 311) – cesarz rzymski panujący w latach 293-311.. Życiorys. Profile. Gaio Galerio Valerio Massimiano (in latino : Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus ; Serdica, 250 circa – Serdica, 5 maggio 311) è stato un imperatore romano durante … [26] Galerius advanced into Media and Adiabene, winning continuous victories, most prominently near Theodosiopolis (Erzurum),[22]:151 and securing Nisibis (Nusaybin) before 1 October 298. Pada masa pemerintahannya, ia berkampanye, bersama dengan Diokletianus, melawan Kekaisaran Sassaniyah, merebut ibu kota mereka Ctesiphon pada 299. Galerius was Roman emperor from 305 to 311. Galerius died in late April or early May 311[39] from a horribly gruesome disease described by Eusebius[40] and Lactantius,[41] possibly some form of bowel cancer, gangrene or Fournier gangrene. Nel De mortibus persecutorum (48, 2-13) prevede il destino al quale vanno incontro tutti i persecutori e descrive la gangrena da cui Galerio venne colpito, che portò l'imperatore alla morte sei giorni dopo la pubblicazione dell'editto.
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