Hoe kwam je ertoe om een boek te schrijven over Francis Bacon? I remember crying a lot. Francis Bacon I remember my shyness above all. Erfahren Sie mehr über Author Central . FB I have never made concessions. But I have always been interested in pornography. 4,7 von 5 Sternen 66. After him, we can no longer paint without thinking of him. FB I believe in being selfish. FG What role did photography play in your work? That's definitely the reason why I have never painted horses. Perhaps if my childhood had been happier, I would have painted bouquets of flowers. ), Paul Graham – “Photography is Easy, Photography is Difficult” (2009), Chris Killip: The Station and a Note of Gratitude, Photobooks of the Year 2020/Welcome to the Castle, Andy Sewell Interview w/ Zak Dimitrov Known and Strange Things Pass, Koji Kitagawa: Mapping the Technical in Dreams, Byberry Insane Asylum – A House of Horrors in 1940’s Philadelphia, Isabel Wenzel Counting Till Ten Precarious Rituals, Ed van der Elsken – “Love on the Left Bank” (1954), The Last Francis Bacon Interview – On Violence, Meat and Photography. I have the excuse of liking wine, and when I'm drunk, I talk a lot of nonsense; but, as I have f an excuse, I make the most of it. And a painter works with his human material, not with colours and paintbrushes. Even though financially we didn't really have any problems (we had a few but not a great deal), I still have the memory of a miserable childhood, as my parents were bourgeois. I thought about death and since then, I think about death every day. Henrietta Moraes is perhaps the most successful, the one that has the best market I think. I only ever had one view: that of emerging from it. Je commence à faire toutes sortes de taches. I am a desperate optimist. FB Yes, terribly so. At one point Bragg asks Bacon why he paints “horror,” and the artist responds with, “What horror could I make to compete with the horrors that go on every single day?” You mix the vegetables, you know the taste of each thing individually, but the blending with herbs and meat, the mixture of different molecules, produces another completely different taste. It's one of the aspects of human behaviour that most interests me. The extraordinarily revealing interviews with Francis Bacon conducted over a period of 25 years by the distinguished art critic David Sylvester amount to a unique statement by Bacon on his art and on art in general. David Sylvester (Autor) 4,6 von 5 Sternen 23 Sternebewertungen. It's his thoughts that enter the painting. Artwork page for ‘Study for a Portrait’, Francis Bacon, 1952 Francis Bacon painted directly onto the raw, unprimed side of the canvas and here emphasised the texture further by rubbing sand into the paint. And I have used pornographic images as well. Desperate because I don't have a very high opinion of the human being and of me in particular. The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Independent Premium. Excerpts from an interview with David Gruen, The Artist Observed: 28 Interviews with Contemporary Artists “I think that life is violent and most people turn away from that side of it in an attempt to live a life that is screened. By imagining, you transgress all taboos, anything is possible. Als Autodidakt begann er Ende der 1920er Jahre mit der Malerei, nachdem er zuvor als Innenausstatter gearbeitet hatte. That is vanity, the driving force of artists. By imagining, you transgress all taboos, anything is possible. We have even created bombs capable of blowing up the planet a thousand times over. Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 – 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born English figurative painter known for his raw, unsettling imagery. (I was once a chef in a restaurant.) FRANCIS GIACOBETTI: Your painting is often described as violent… FRANICS BACON: My painting is not violent; it’s life that is violent. 1985 / 58 min. 137, June 2003, pp. "Interviews with Francis Bacon" (1987) captures remarkably on paper the tortured mind of the famous British painter (1909-1992). I think there is a difficult moment in the life of a man. At the time, I didn't know how to explain my feelings. In police inquiries, every witness has a different view of the event. According to Giacobetti, "Bacon enjoyed the process very much. He lost his temper with f everyone, he didn't have any friends. C’est dans le mythique club des Bains Douches, qui a agité les nuits parisiennes des années 1980, que Francis Bacon répond, en 1987, aux questions de Thierry Ardisson, producteur de l’émission « Bain de minuit », dont est extraite cette archive. But men are more discreet and more inhibited. He didn't want to spend money on me. Artists are very vain. FRANICS BACON: My painting is not violent; it’s life that is violent. It belongs on the shelf of every Bacon fan and artist, regardless of medium. Me, I’m like an albatross: I take in thousands of images like fish, then I spit them out on the canvas. One day, when I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a dog having a crap and I realised at that moment that I was going to die. When we witness an event, we are often unable to explain the details. In the end they decided to capture their interview on video; some of it is reproduced here. I have seen books of Robert Mapplethorpe. I need to visualise things that lead me to other forms, that lead me to visualise forms that lead me to other forms or subjects, details, images that influence my nervous system and transform the basic idea. Francis Bacon, Interviews with David Sylvester (1966,1971-73) DAVID SYLVESTER: It’s interesting that the photographic image you’ve worked from most of all isn’t a scientific or a journalistic one but a very deliberate and famous work of art- the still of the screaming nanny from Potemkin. Interview du peintre Francis BACON à propos de son art (filmé le 14 janvier 1984). FG Picasso once admitted to me that nothing aroused him more than drawing female genitals. You should be able to change the motor. Hence, it's vanity and also egoism, because your work is you. He created a visual dictionary on movement, an animated dictionary. But I think they are merely fooling themselves. Rozhovory s Francisem Baconem, 1962-1979, 1999. 0 comments. And how he is intrigued by both. And it’s all for sale―how unbelievably surrealistic! This video has none of that. ☛ “Francis Bacon: I painted to be loved” interview by Francis Giacobetti conducted on February 1992, published in The Art Newspaper, no. Not to fashion, not to constraints, not to anything. But it didn't work. You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies to your comment. At the time, it interested me. There weren't porno magazines and films like there are now. J’attends ce que j’appelle « l’accident » : la tache à partir de laquelle va partir le tableau. He often based his paintings on a variety of photographic images. Francis Bacon by Francis Giacobetti' is at Marlborough Fine Art, 6 Albermarle Street, London W1 (020-7629 5161), until 5 July 2003. Dimensions: 6′ 5 7/8″ x 52″ (197.8 x 132.1 cm). Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? I invent what I paint. I’ve looked at photos much more than paintings. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more. Read our full mailing list consent terms here. I have seen books of Robert Mapplethorpe. My paintings are a lot less violent than me. That was one of my real obsessions. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. T he British painter Francis Bacon (1909-1992) was a self-taught artist. I have also asked a photographer friend to do men fighting but that didn’t work. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? I just believe in the present moment if it has genius - in the spinning roulette ball or in the emotions that I experience when what I transmit on to the canvas works. Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 – 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born English figurative painter known for his raw, unsettling imagery. I don’t think anyone has ever really understood that. A painter is alone in front of his canvas; it's his imagination that creates, and sexuality f needs to feed on images that you see or invent. PDF. Francis Bacon produced some of the most iconic images of wounded and traumatized humanity in post-war art. I've been lucky enough not to have to, but it's in my character to refuse social life, obligations, and to prefer simple people to sophisticated people. Entretien avec Francis Bacon Marguerite Duras - Je ne dessine pas. “This was the last major exhibition to take place in Bacon’s lifetime and hence to … Interview with David Sylvester – Francis Bacon. And luck has had it that I haven't needed to compromise myself in any way. Francis Bacon was a titanic figure in 20th Century Art. He was introduced to Bacon, a famously reluctant photographic subject, by the artist's close friend, Michel Archimbaud. Every item in the studio has a database entry. Excerpts from Francis Bacon: I Painted to be Loved. You mix the vegetables, you know the taste of each thing individually, but the blending with herbs and meat, the mixture of different molecules, produces another completely different taste. And there is always, in every one of us, the concept of being the best. 28-29 . And pornography helps. Francis Giacobetti Tell me about your childhood. I felt like I wasn't normal. Nine interviews range from 1962 to 1986, Bacon's … Focusing on the human form, his subjects included crucifixions, portraits of popes, self-portraits, and portraits of close friends, with abstracted figures sometimes isolated in geometrical structures. Focusing on the human form, his subjects included crucifixions, portraits of popes, self-portraits, and portraits of close friends, with abstracted figures sometimes isolated in geometrical structures. Even if one defends oneself, one still always wants to leave something that will enter the history of art. Text @ the Estate of Francis Giacobetti. I only understood afterwards, by sleeping with his servants. He was a difficult man, very vindictive. It's interesting but too graphic, too plastic. Finden Sie alle Bücher, Informationen zum Autor und mehr. FRANCIS BACON, Interviews with David Sylvester (1966,1971-73) INTERVIEW, 1966 DAVID SYLVESTER: It's interesting that the photographic image you've worked from most of all isn't a scientific or a journalistic one but a very deliberate and famous work of art- the still of the screaming nanny from Potemkin . Je commence à faire toutes sortes de taches. Photograph: David Hockney . It’s like cooking. The images help me just as much to find ideas as to create them. It's like cooking. My father didn't love me, that's for sure. Study after Velázquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X, 1953, Oil and pastel on linen. Bacon and the Mind sheds light on Francis Bacon’s art by exploring his motivations, and in so doing opens up new ways of understanding his paintings through three pillars; art, neuroscience and psychology.. You never retire from being vain. Interviews with Francis Bacon (Englisch) Taschenbuch – 29. Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. It belongs on the shelf of every Bacon fan and artist, regardless of medium. Ham, pigs, tongues, sides, of beef seen in the butcher’s window, all that death, I find it very beautiful. It's instinct, and it's my instinct to paint it. FB Celebrity bullshit! T he British painter Francis Bacon (1909-1992) was a self-taught artist. He was a racehorse trainer, a failed trainer. Born in Dublin, he moved to London in 1928, where he earned his living as an … FB I have always been very interested in photography. Previous Image Next Image . For me, who doesn’t have any models, it’s an unbelievable source of inspiration. And I have used pornographic images as well. Later on, I thought that a shy old man is ridiculous, so I tried to change. But I never saw anyone so clever.". The moment when he discovers that youth is not eternal. And too many exterior things have disrupted your nervous system, and the result is often disappointing. ☛ “Francis Bacon: I painted to be loved” interview by Francis Giacobetti conducted on February 1992, published in The Art Newspaper, no. It's more primitive than crucifixions. Besides, it's very often the opposite of natural movement. It was 11 years before Giacobetti was finally able to realise the work and produce the prints, which are currently being shown for the first time at the Marlborough Gallery in London. He didn’t like going in there at all, I could tell. We have even created bombs capable of blowing up the planet a thousand times over. Want an ad-free experience?Subscribe to Independent Premium. Optimist, because I live from day to day as if I am never going to die. My principal source of visual information is Muybridge, the photographer of the last 19th century who photographed human and animal movement. Photography, in my case, reflects the event in a clearer, more direct way. And we always talk rubbish in the small world of art. Men's bodies sexually arouse me so I paint men's bodies very often, it makes up almost all of my works. Every art needs to use images, except for, I think, music. It’s interesting but too graphic, too plastic. Those that are in the studio help me to imagine details of other images. Beauty is the enemy of sex. When you paint men's bodies, is there a physical arousal? At the time, it interested me. An artist instinctively takes all this into account. Gebundene Ausgabe. Everything is there, recorded, untalented, without staging, like a sequenced encyclopedia on the possibilities of human and animal movement. La tache c’est l’accident. 'Books: Interviews with Francis Bacon 1962-1979' 'Books: Interviews with Francis Bacon' 'Bring Bacon home: The art world continues to neglect our native genius' 'British stars and Scythian gold' 'Briton Speaks About Pain and Painting' 'Brushes with the Bottle' 'Brushes with the soldiery of the canvas' 'Buyers stampede for 'bleak' Bacons' I look at a lot of very different images, very contradictory and I take in details a bit like those people who eat off other people’s plates. Francis Bacon, Tate Gallery exhibition catalogue (1985) by Dawn Ades et al. FG Many think that you stand with Picasso as the most important painter of this century. 137, June 2003, pp. Photography, in my case, reflects the event in a clearer, more direct way. And besides, I don't like the smell of horse dung, but I find it sexually arousing, like urine. Lee Friedlander Puts Your Selfies to Shame, An Interview with Stephen Shore – “The Apparent Is the Bridge to the Real” (2007), Gregory Halpern On Documentary Ethics – Preoccupations, Subjectivity and Untruths (2013), Stanley Kubrick’s Photographs of 1940’s NYC, Saul Leiter’s Color Street Photography – The Palette of NYC, Jean-Michel Basquiat and “The Art of (Dis)Empowerment” (2000). Everything is there, recorded, untalented, without staging, like a sequenced encyclopedia on the possibilities of human and animal movement. As of November 2017, this website now contains reference images and information on all 584 numbered works published in Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné, 2016, including the exhibition history of each painting.The paintings can be viewed by decade or freely searched. I'm like an owl.' We are all prisoners, we are all prisoners of love, one's family, one's childhood, profession. I look for the suggestion of an image in comparison to another. There are also heaps of illustrated books, magazines, photos. / color. Perhaps what we have in common is the fact that we like life above all. All taped plus has lots and lots of photos , all b&W. Borrowing inspiration from Surrealism , film, photography, and the Old Masters , he forged a distinctive style that made him one of the most widely recognized exponents of figurative art in the 1940s and 1950s. The only things that interest me are people, their folly, their ways, their anguish, this unbelievable, purely accidental intelligence which has shattered the planet, and which maybe, one day, will destroy it. In the book, a classic of its kind, Bacon considers the problems of realism and sheds new light on aspects of his life. "Interviews with Francis Bacon" (1987) captures remarkably on paper the tortured mind of the famous British painter (1909-1992). People have always believed that I painted movement directly from photos, but that's completely wrong. He didn't love me and I didn't love him either. A signed, limited edition large-format book containing 150 of Bacon's paintings and 250 of Giacobetti's photographs, edited by Olivier Binst, will be published in 2004, priced EUR4,850. Yet Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud had a falling out, for reasons that neither man fully explained. But it's also the reminder of my father, who was an emotionally disturbed person. When you look at an image that symbolises the event, you can browse through the snapshot of it and experience it in a much stronger way, and embrace it with more intensity. I call it my imagination material. I think he hated me. I think it's a very beautiful animal but my childhood memories are quite negative and the horse brings back a distant anguish. – Francis Bacon. Interviews with Francis Bacon David Sylvester. 19,95 € Francis Bacon - Ein Malerleben in Texten und Interviews Dino Heicker. I'm a pain. A physical need. People have always believed that I painted movement directly from photos, but that’s completely wrong. I found it too easy. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles. But I have always been interested in pornography. Excerpts from Francis Bacon: I Painted to be Loved, Interview by Francis Giacobetti conducted on February 1992, published in The Art Newspaper, no. – Francis Bacon. 肉への慈悲 : フランシス・ベイコン・インタヴュー [Interview with Francis Bacon], 1996. For me, who doesn't have any models, it's an unbelievable source of inspiration. Every art needs to use images, except for, I think, music. I am a painter of the 20th century: during my childhood I lived through the revolutionary Irish movement, Sinn Fein, and the wars, Hiroshima, Hitler, the death camps, and daily violence that I’ve experienced all my life. He has also been hailed as the greatest British painter since Turner. 'Books: Interviews with Francis Bacon 1962-1979' 'Books: Interviews with Francis Bacon' 'Bring Bacon home: The art world continues to neglect our native genius' 'British stars and Scythian gold' 'Briton Speaks About Pain and Painting' 'Brushes with the Bottle' 'Brushes with the soldiery of the canvas' 'Buyers stampede for 'bleak' Bacons' I enjoy looking at images since my obsession is painting in a representational manner, so I need to see forms and representational spaces. Francis Bacon Interview, free francis bacon interview software downloads That is the privilege of artists, they don't have an age. People frightened me. His abstracted figures are typically isolated in geometrical cage like spaces, set against flat, nondescript backgrounds. One source for the figure here may be a film still from Soviet director Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin … It was unbearable. Francis Bacon was an Irish-born British figurative painter known for his bold, grotesque, emotionally charged, raw imagery. They amount to a unique statement by Bacon on his art, and on art in general. Nine interviews with Francis Bacon spanning over twenty years from 1962 to 1986 which give invaluable insight into the creative mind of one of the twentieth century’s greatest artists. "Interviews with Francis Bacon" (1987) captures remarkably on paper the tortured mind of the famous British painter (1909-1992). [2] Berüchtigt für sein Leben als bon vivant und seine Spielsucht, gelang ihm 1944 jedoch der Durchbruch als Künstler mit dem Triptychon Drei Studien zu Figuren am Fuße einer Kreuzigung (Tate Britain, London). We always think we are making the painting that will revolutionise all painting, and that's why we keep going. Bacon seems to have warmed to Giacobetti's fluid, low-tech approach. When you are on a high, the result of your work is rarely something of quality: too many things are exterior. In the Hugh Lane Gallery, on Parnell … Usually he hated to pose. An essential and entertaining series of interviews with francis bacon by david Sylvester from 1962 to 1986, 9 interviews. Hence I've also done very crude canvases, very pornographic, but I destroyed them. FRANCIS GIACOBETTI: Your painting is often described as violent… FRANICS BACON: My painting is not violent; it’s life that is violent. Rozmowy z Francisem Baconem: brutalność faktu, 1997. It's very real, it's very virile. IN AUTUMN 1991 the Corsican photographer Francis Giacobetti began an extraordinary series of portraits of Francis Bacon. Beauty is the enemy of sex. The two got along famously. Mais si on tient à l’accident, si on croit qu’on comprend l’accident, on va faire encore de Those that are in the studio help me to imagine details of other images. Bacon en boîte. In the studio I found a strip of neon and I shot a lot of portraits using just that." I have hardly any family left and very few friends that are still alive. 9,99 € Nur noch 4 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs). When we witness an event, we are often unable to explain the details. Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate? And while Giacobetti worked, they talked. FG What role did photography play in your work? Me, I'm like an albatross: I take in thousands of images like fish, then I spit them out on the canvas. The only things that interest me are people, their folly, their ways, their anguish, this unbelievable, purely accidental intelligence which has shattered the planet, and which maybe, one day, will destroy it. September 2007 (englisch) John Tusa: Interview with David Sylvester (Memento vom 11. November 2012 im Internet Archive) auf BBC Radio 3. But that doesn't stop me from looking at men even of my age, as if everything is still to play for, as if life could have a fresh start and often when I go out in the evenings, I flirt as if I was 50. Nine interviews range from 1962 to 1986, Bacon's … Contemplation allows me to imagine my version of the truth and the image that I have of this truth leads me to discover other ideas, and so on ... My work becomes a chain of ideas created by various images that I look at and that I have often registered with contradictory subjects. Painting is very physical as it is, painting scenes of men in action gives me a great pleasure. 137, June 2003, pp. The Francis Bacon Studio Database is the first computerised archive of the entire contents of a world ranking artist's studio. Please continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates. Added to this was my shyness ... it was like an illness. They met 11 times over the next few months, for lunch or dinner, or for the extensive portrait sessions which took place in suites in two London hotels - 11 Cadogan Gardens and Browns - and a rented studio. (I was once a chef in a restaurant.) For a painter, moments of sexual fantasy can lead to paintings that are often very banal, and when the arousal fades, you realise that it hasn't done anything. The men I painted were all in extreme situation, and the scream is a transcription of their pain. I have endured physical violence, I have even had my teeth broken. Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 – 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born English figurative painter known for his raw, unsettling imagery. Please be respectful when making a comment and adhere to our Community Guidelines. Jahrhunderts mit einer Anthologie zu würdigen. I don't think it suited me. When I was about 15 years old, I got laid by the grooms that worked for him. There weren’t porno magazines and films like there are now. Sind Sie ein Autor? “Why didn't you introduce me before?” said Bacon. My temperament is strangely optimistic. But Picasso invented everything. He can't do otherwise. FB: I’ve had a desire to do forms, as when I originally did three forms at the base of the Crucifixion [Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, 1944]. William Eggleston: Who’s Afraid of Magenta, Yellow and Cyan? It's like drugs. Interview by Francis Giacobetti conducted on February 1992, published in The Art Newspaper, no. J’attends ce que j’appelle « l’accident » : la tache à partir de laquelle va partir le tableau. You lose the excitement that only comes from a crude image. FB: We are born with a scream; we come into life with a scream, and maybe love is a mosquito net between the fear of living and the fear of death. 28-29, FRANCIS GIACOBETTI: Your painting is often described as violent…. The two met for the last time in early 1992. He told me, I'm very shy. Gespräche mit Francis Bacon: Conversations avec Francis Bacon (NichtSoKleineBibliothek) Franck Maubert. When I think of my childhood, I see something very heavy, very cold, like a block of ice. He is best known for his depictions of popes, crucifixions and portraits of close friends.
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