Consists of 705 directly elected representatives. The borders inside the Schengen Area between Germany and Austria, Europol Headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands, Eurojust Headquarters in The Hague, Netherlands, Foreign policy co-operation between member states dates from the establishment of the Community in 1957, when member states negotiated as a bloc in international trade negotiations under the EU's common commercial policy. [83] For comparison, the EU-28 birth rate had stood at 10.6 in 2000, 12.8 in 1985 and 16.3 in 1970. The aim of this financial control system is to ensure the economic stability of the EU.[249]. [45] The term United States of Europe (French: États-Unis d'Europe) was used at that time by Victor Hugo (1802–1885) during a speech at the International Peace Congress held in Paris in 1849: A day will come when all nations on our continent will form a European brotherhood ... A day will come when we shall see ... the United States of America and the United States of Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the seas. Compagnie Generale des Matieres Nucleaires SACD. "[177], In 2009, the Lisbon Treaty gave legal effect to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Find out what is the most common shorthand of Union Europeene des Experts Comptables Economiques et Financiers on! [250] Around 46% of the energy consumed was produced within the member states while 54% was imported. There is a significant variation in Nominal GDP per capita within individual EU states. Due to its global influence, the European Union has been described by some scholars as an emerging superpower.[24][25][26]. [124] Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are officially recognised as potential candidates,[123] with Bosnia and Herzegovina having submitted a membership application. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. More than half (56%) of EU citizens are able to engage in a conversation in a language other than their mother tongue. In other areas the EU and its member states share the competence to legislate. .eu is representative of the whole of the EU; member states also have their own TLDs. [279] The European Green Capital is an annual award given to cities that focuses on the environment, energy efficiency, and quality of life in urban areas to create smart city. The most visible of these has been the Erasmus Programme, a university exchange programme which began in 1987. It is true that, not only in our own politics at both federal and regional level but also in our diplomatic service and throughout. Accordingly, the Union has legislated in areas such as extradition,[186] family law,[187] asylum law,[188] and criminal justice. [107] Already in 2004, it was planned that Turkish would become an official language when Cyprus reunites. The budget may still be approved if Hungary and Poland withdraw their vetos after further negotiations in the Council and the European Council. The Union has also established agencies to co-ordinate police, prosecutorial and immigrations controls across the member states: Europol for co-operation of police forces,[190] Eurojust for co-operation between prosecutors,[191] and Frontex for co-operation between border control authorities. After the recent enlargement, the new states that joined since 2004 added the problem of solving accessibility to the transport agenda. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The predecessor of the EU was created in the aftermath of the Second World War. Not Now. [203], The predecessors of the European Union were not devised as a military alliance because NATO was largely seen as appropriate and sufficient for defence purposes. We are a financial institution that has already proven itself for 10 years all over the world. Nevertheless, in 1965 an agreement was reached and on 1 July 1967 the Merger Treaty created a single set of institutions for the three communities, which were collectively referred to as the European Communities. It eliminates virtually all tariffs and facilitates trade, benefitting citizens and businesses across both the EU and Canada. [267] Among the member states, the lowest unemployment rates were recorded in the Czech Republic (2.3%), Germany and Poland (both 3.4%), and the highest in Spain (14.9%) and Greece (19.0 in July 2018).[267]. The 705 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are directly elected by EU citizens every five years on the basis of proportional representation. The most common place where you will encounter abbreviations in the European Union (EU) is with the names of the countries themselves. Centre for European Policy Studies. [165][166], EU member states retain all powers not explicitly handed to the European Union. [152] In addition to its legislative functions, the council also exercises executive functions in relations to the Common Foreign and Security Policy. "U.E.." [16] A monetary union was established in 1999, coming into full force in 2002, and is composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro currency. Catholics are the largest Christian group, accounting for 45.3% of the EU population, while Protestants make up 11.1%, Eastern Orthodox make up 9.6%, and other Christians make up 5.6%. Traductions en contexte de "membres de l'union européenne" en français-russe avec Reverso Context : états membres de l'union européenne, pays membres de l'union européenne, non membres de l'union européenne, tous les états membres de l'union européenne, nouveaux états membres de l'union européenne [3][106], Luxembourgish (in Luxembourg) and Turkish (in Cyprus) are the only two national languages that are not official languages of the EU. Traductions en contexte de "Union Européenne" en français-espagnol avec Reverso Context : union européenne élargie, de l'union européenne, entrer dans l'union européenne, adhésion à l'union européenne, hors union européenne The anthem of the Union is an instrumental version of the prelude to the Ode to Joy, the 4th movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's ninth symphony. [274] 22–26); Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (OJ L 303, 2 December 2000, pp. [200]:762 This influence on the internal affairs of other countries is generally referred to as "soft power", as opposed to military "hard power". All Acronyms. After much discussion, the most concrete result was the EU Battlegroups initiative, each of which is planned to be able to deploy quickly about 1500 personnel. In 2002, the currency was fully put into place, when euro notes and coins were issued and national currencies began to phase out in the eurozone, which by then consisted of 12 member states. [citation needed] For example, in 2001 the commission for the first time prevented a merger between two companies based in the United States (GE and Honeywell) which had already been approved by their national authority. [276] In subsequent years, the environment became a formal policy area, with its own policy actors, principles and procedures. The President and Vice-Presidents are elected by MEPs every two and a half years. [h][102] English is the most widely spoken language in the EU, being understood by 51% of the EU population when counting both native and non-native speakers. It is at the centre of the European System of Central Banks, which comprehends all EU national central banks and is controlled by its General Council, consisting of the President of the ECB, who is appointed by the European Council, the Vice-President of the ECB, and the governors of the national central banks of all 27 EU member states. The largest groups were nationals of Morocco, Albania, India, Turkey and Pakistan. [158] "Administration" accounts for around 6%. Log In.
. [319], The majority of media in the European Union are national-oriented, although some EU-wide media focusing on European affairs have emerged since the early 1990s, such as Euronews, Eurosport, EUobserver, EURACTIV or Politico Europe. Since the end of World War II, sovereign European countries have entered into treaties and thereby co-operated and harmonised policies (or pooled sovereignty) in an increasing number of areas, in the so-called European integration project or the construction of Europe (French: la construction européenne). [262], The policy's price controls and market interventions led to considerable overproduction. "[324] Greece was the exception reported by the study, which analysed up to 2008, "to avoid confounding effects from the global financial crisis". [302], Association football is by far the most popular sport in the European Union by the number of registered players. Pan-European political thought truly emerged during the 19th century, inspired by the liberal ideas of the French and American Revolutions after the demise of Napoléon's Empire (1804–1815). [11] Its members have a combined area of 4,233,255.3 km2 (1,634,469.0 sq mi) and an estimated total population of about 447 million. The Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union[112] recognises the "status under national law of churches and religious associations" as well as that of "philosophical and non-confessional organisations". – discuss]. In its first 20 years, it supported international exchange opportunities for well over 1.5 million university and college students and became a symbol of European student life.[284]. The average annual net earnings in the European Union was around €24,000 (US$30,000)[240] in 2015. [327][328] Scholar Thomas Risse wrote in 2009, "there is a consensus in the literature on Eastern Europe that the EU membership perspective had a huge anchoring effects for the new democracies. It consists of a government minister from each member state and meets in different compositions depending on the policy area being addressed. Notwithstanding its different configurations, it is considered to be one single body. [153], In the ordinary legislative procedure, the European Commission proposes legislation, which requires the joint approval of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union to pass. Once goods have been admitted into the market they cannot be subjected to customs duties, discriminatory taxes or import quotas, as they travel internally. [q] The EU has legal personality, with the right to sign agreements and international treaties. The largest metropolitan area in the EU is Paris,[90] followed by Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin, the Ruhr, Rome, and Milan, all with a metropolitan population of over 4 million. [90], The European Union has 24 official languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Irish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, and Swedish. [58], The EEC and Euratom were created separately from the ECSC and they shared the same courts and the Common Assembly. CETA, the new trade agreement between the European Union and Canada, entered into force provisionally on 21 September 2017. [125] Half the trade in the EU is covered by legislation harmonised by the EU.[242]. ), Frankfurt Rhine-Main (Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Mainz et al. GR - Greece 14. [...] profound knowledge of the European Union and the way it works. and is effectively treated as one of the Copenhagen criteria. The EU has long sought to mitigate the effects of free markets by protecting workers rights and preventing social and environmental dumping. [265] Another high-profile case against Microsoft, resulted in the Commission fining Microsoft over €777 million following nine years of legal action. [252], The EU has five key points in its energy policy: increase competition in the internal market, encourage investment and boost interconnections between electricity grids; diversify energy resources with better systems to respond to a crisis; establish a new treaty framework for energy co-operation with Russia while improving relations with energy-rich states in Central Asia[253] and North Africa; use existing energy supplies more efficiently while increasing renewable energy commercialisation; and finally increase funding for new energy technologies. [214], The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department, or "ECHO", provides humanitarian aid from the EU to developing countries. These legal powers include the ability to enact legislation[p] which can directly affect all member states and their inhabitants. The European Council uses its leadership role to sort out disputes between member states and the institutions, and to resolve political crises and disagreements over controversial issues and policies. Across the EU, belief was higher among women, older people, those with religious upbringing, those who left school at 15 or 16, and those "positioning themselves on the right of the political scale". [274] According to the Institute for European Environmental Policy, environmental law comprises over 500 Directives, Regulations and Decisions, making environmental policy a core area of European politics. The introduction of a mandatory and comprehensive European energy policy was approved at the meeting of the European Council in October 2005, and the first draft policy was published in January 2007. The European Commission conducts its internal business in three procedural languages: English, French, and German. Allied Masonic Degree AFT. Gadheim durant la nuit du Brexit dpa/pa. UE. Containing some 5.8% of the world population in 2020,[d] the EU had generated a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of around US$15.5 trillion in 2019,[8] constituting approximately 18% of global nominal GDP. [221] It is applied from the principles of Capability approach and Rights-based approach to development. [282] The EU has a target of zero GHG emission by 2050. The 27 Commissioners as a single body are subject to approval (or otherwise) by vote of the European Parliament. "[75][76] In 2013, Croatia became the 28th EU member. [185], Since the creation of the EU in 1993, it has developed its competencies in the area of justice and home affairs; initially at an intergovernmental level and later by supranationalism. Three of them – English, French and German – have the higher status of. [ac] It was, until recently, operated by a system of subsidies and market intervention. The European Convention on Human Rights was previously only open to members of the, Opinion (2/92) of the European Court of Justice on "Accession by the Community to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms", To do otherwise would require the drafting of legislation which would have to cope with the frequently divergent legal systems and administrative systems of all of the now 28 member states. Mitigating climate change is one of the top priorities of EU environmental policy. Site officiel de la présidence allemande du Conseil de l’Union européenne (juillet à décembre 2020) [100][101], Even though language policy is the responsibility of member states, EU institutions promote multilingualism among its citizens. [199], Besides the emerging international policy of the European Union, the international influence of the EU is also felt through enlargement. [189] Prohibitions against sexual and nationality discrimination have a long standing in the treaties. This process is normally underpinned by an Action Plan, as agreed by both Brussels and the target country. [149] The other 26 Commissioners are subsequently appointed by the Council of the European Union in agreement with the nominated President. [216] The 'geographic' instruments provide aid through the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI, €16.9 billion, 2007–2013), which must spend 95% of its budget on official development assistance (ODA), and from the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), which contains some relevant programmes. In 2020, the first ever European Union Strategy on LGBTIQ equality was approved under Helena Dalli mandate.[271]. [193] Steps for a more wide-ranging co-ordination in foreign relations began in 1970 with the establishment of European Political Cooperation which created an informal consultation process between member states with the aim of forming common foreign policies. [176], The treaties declare that the EU itself is "founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities ... in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail. Routledge. [125][126] The relationships of the European microstates, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City include the use of the euro and other areas of co-operation.[127]. In 2010 the estimated network covers: 75,200 kilometres (46,700 mi) of roads; 78,000 kilometres (48,000 mi) of railways; 330 airports; 270 maritime harbours; and 210 internal harbours.[256][257]. The main legal acts of the EU come in three forms: regulations, directives, and decisions. There are six countries that are recognised as candidates for membership: Albania, Iceland, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey,[123] though Iceland suspended negotiations in 2013. [322], The MEDIA Programme of the European Union has supported the European popular film and audiovisual industries since 1991. In 1929, the latter gave a speech in favour of a European Union before the assembly of the League of Nations, precursor of the United Nations. The EU has also promoted human rights issues in the wider world. [...] our administration, we have very many men and women with a. In the eurozone, trade is helped by not having any currency differences to deal with amongst most members. While services account for 60–70% of GDP, legislation in the area is not as developed as in other areas. [266], The EU seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 6.7% in September 2018. Examples of such alliances include the Visegrad Group, Benelux, the Baltic Assembly, the New Hanseatic League, the Weimar Triangle, the Lublin Triangle, EU Med Group and the Craiova Group. [248], The European System of Financial Supervision is an institutional architecture of the EU's framework of financial supervision composed by three authorities: the European Banking Authority, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority and the European Securities and Markets Authority. [258] The Polish road network was upgraded such as the A4 autostrada. [s] Previously, the EU itself could not accede to the convention as it is neither a state[t] nor had the competence to accede. Edit this Entry Projects under TEN include the Channel Tunnel, LGV Est, the Fréjus Rail Tunnel, the Öresund Bridge, the Brenner Base Tunnel and the Strait of Messina Bridge. The non-EU member states of Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland participate in the single market but not in the customs union. This system has been criticised for under-cutting farmers outside Europe, especially those in the developing world. It shares with the Council of the EU equal legislative powers to amend, approve or reject Commission proposals for most areas of EU legislation. pp. The EU uses foreign relations instruments like the European Neighbourhood Policy which seeks to tie those countries to the east and south of the European territory of the EU to the Union. The majority of the population lives in areas with a temperate maritime climate (North-Western Europe and Central Europe), a Mediterranean climate (Southern Europe), or a warm summer continental or hemiboreal climate (Northern Balkans and Central Europe). Agriculture expenditure will move away from subsidy payments linked to specific produce, toward direct payments based on farm size. Abolition of the death penalty is a condition for EU membership. [130], The EU's population is highly urbanised, with some 75% of inhabitants living in urban areas as of 2006. Housing, youth, childhood, Functional diversity or elderly care are supportive competencies of the European Union and can be financed by the European Social Fund. The EU is active in a wide range of topics, from human rights to transport and trade. The SDGs recognize that all countries must stimulate action in the following key areas - people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership - in order to tackle the global challenges that are crucial for the survival of humanity. 2 people like this. These programmes are designed to encourage a wider knowledge of other countries and to spread good practices in the education and training fields across the EU. GB - United Kingdom 13. The only institution empowered to propose legislation, serves as the "Guardian of the Treaties". In the decades following the outcomes of the Congress of Vienna,[43] ideals of European unity flourished across the continent, especially in the writings of Wojciech Jastrzębowski (1799–1882)[44] or Giuseppe Mazzini (1805–1872). 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