PORTE OUVERTE le 30 janvier 2021 en présentiel. The Institut Pasteur is a leading global biomedical research institute. Symposium - Centenary of Jules Bordet's Nobel Prize, 3D research according to Albane Imbert, an engineer at the Institut Pasteur, An Epidemiologist Faces Ebola in The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Cours Pasteur offre 15h de cours dans la matière de votre choix aux 50 premiers élèves inscrits. - The bacteria from the Institut Pasteur Collection (For quotations and orders please send an email to cip@pasteur.fr) - The viruses from the Virus Collection of Institut Pasteur (For quotations and orders please send an email to cip@pasteur.fr) Strain search (Online shopping site is under construction. L’application« iPasteur » vous permet de préparer votre PASS/L.AS en ligne. The Pasteur Institute’s Board of Directors approved the project on … Institut Pasteur Korea was established by collaboration between Institut Pasteur and KIST. What is the "tiger mosquito" (Aedes albopictus)? Recent advances in science are leading to a revision and reorientation of methods, allowing old and current issues to be addressed in a new perspective. votre numéro de téléphone * 7th International Symposium on Antimicrobial Peptides AMP2021. Afin de vous soutenir pendant cette période difficile et de récupérer le retard accumulé. Diego Cordero Cervantes, globe-trotting researcher, Fabrice Chrétien, from stethoscope to microscope, Fani Koukouli: A young researcher's odyssey to the inner depths of the brain, For Asier Sáez-Cirión, research is an incurable passion, Humans, animals and their environment, an investigation by Victor Narat, Jean-Philippe Chippaux – bitten by the snake bug, Lhousseine Touqui, helping some thanks to others, Lida Katsimpardi – on the hunt for an elixir of youth, Lluis Quintana-Murci: discovering the world and humankind, Mélodie Duval : les bactéries ont de l’avenir, Nicolas Michalski, an engineer tackling auditory neuroscience, Thomas Gregor - Following a passion through countries and disciplines, Tracking down biomarkers with Eliette Touati, A team tackling the mysteries of the microbiota, the brain and the immune system, Photonic BioImaging – high-resolution microscopy in the era of artificial intelligence, COVID-19 : What we have learnt as of 20 February 2020, Transmission de la COVID-19 dans les écoles primaires (in French), Tête à Tête avec Arnaud Fontanet : la transmission de la Covid-19 dans les écoles primaires (In French), 13th edition of Pasteurdon: combating infectious diseases and cancer, A blood factor involved in weight loss and aging, COVID-19: mathematical model indicates that between 3% and 7% of French people have been infected, International inaugural congress of the Hearing Institute, Leishmania : a parasite that adapts to its environment by chromosomal amplification, Revealing how SARS-CoV-2 hijacks human cells; points to drugs with potential to fight COVID-19 and a drug that aids its infectious growth, The migration history of Bantu-speaking people: genomics reveals the benefits of admixture and sheds new light on slave trade, A new bacteria-killing weapon in the fight against antibiotic resistance, A new breakthrough in developing effective antimalarial drugs, A preclinical study shows that hydroxychloroquine has no antiviral effect on SARS-CoV-2 in vivo, A protective extracellular matrix underpins HIV infectivity, AIDS – an approach for targeting HIV reservoirs, AIDS: Furthering Knowledge of Natural HIV Infection Control Mechanisms, Achilles’ heel for reseeding of the viral reservoir after stem cell transplantation in people with HIV, Allergies: cross-reactivity between cypress pollen and peaches/citrus fruits finally explained, Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells: work highlights the major changes in the human metabolome * in the graft against the host, Anaphylactic shock: IgG antibodies and neutrophils play an unexpected role, Anne Dejean-Assémat receives the Sjöberg Prize 2018, Announcement of the 2018 ALBERT EINSTEIN World Award of Science, Antibiotic resistance: a surprising timeline, Benefits of early antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children, Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute and the Institut Pasteur to Develop a Novel Vaccine Against Shigella, Bruno Hoen appointed as Medical Research Director for the Institut Pasteur, CEPI collaborates with the Institut Pasteur in a consortium to develop Covid-19 vaccine, COVID-19 in primary schools: no significant transmission among children or from students to teachers, COVID-19 – an intranasal lentiviral vaccine in development provides significant protection in animals, COVID-19: neutralizing immune response lasts longer in women than in men, COVID-19: no cross-protective immunity conferred by other coronaviruses in children, COVID-19: optimizing surveillance in long-term care facilities, COVID-19: the vast majority of patients with a minor form develop neutralizing antibodies, Cancer under pressure: visualizing the activity of the immune system on tumor development, Cervical cancer: New test enhances ability to predict risk, Cholera outbreak in Yemen elucidated using genomics, Cholera: understanding the link between the world’s major outbreaks paves the way to a better control strategy, Christophe d’Enfert appointed as Scientific Director of the Institut Pasteur, Chronic malnutrition in children: a new gut microbial signature, Cocaine addiction: impact of genetic mutations elucidated. Institut Pasteur. La prépa m’a apporté de la motivation et des locaux adapter au travail, et tout cela m’a permis d’être bien préparée pour le concours et de réussir à avoir mon année. Calendar of symposium, seminars and others events View all. Numérisé dans l'album des cours MP7832 26ème Cours 1898 votre message En ce qui me concerne la prépa m’a apporté un gros soutien moral et un lieu pour travailler, manger, me faire des copains : bref y vivre. Limiter les effectifs nous permet d'offrir un suivi personnalisé à chacun de nos étudiants (tuteurs personnalisés, cours en effectifs réduits, parrainage...). Institut Pasteur. [citation needed] Attempt to attach to France. On behalf of Team Pasteur Institute of India, Coonoor(PIIC), I welcome you to its redesigned website. Ce cours Pasteur-IRD de 4 semaines, enseigné en français, sera proposé chaque année paire à l’Institut Pasteur Paris. Cette offre est valable sans aucune condition d'inscription et se déroulera pendant les vacances scolaires de décembre. The Institut Pasteur is a nonprofit organization and relies on the generosity and support of the public to carry out its research programs. Un atelier d’une durée de 2 semaines organisé dans un institut du Réseau International des Instituts […] Biotechnology: DNA polymerases that can replicate DNA without a primer! Au Cours Pasteur, le nombre d'étudiants est égal au nombre de places accessibles en deuxième année de médecine. CENTRE COURS PASTEUR PARIS Cours Pasteur est aussi un centre de préparation aux concours paramédicaux, nous vous proposons une offre de formation complète et individualisée. Researchers from the Institut Pasteur in Iran and French Guiana Win the 2018 "Pasteur Talent" Award, Roka village in Cambodia: a history of iatrogenic HIV infection, Roman Thibeaux’s joust with bacterial armor, Six institutions members of the Institut Pasteur international network engaged in an international coalition against epidemics in Africa, Spencer Shorte appointed Chief Scientific Officer to Institut Pasteur Korea, Strong increase in antibiotic resistance in Cambodia, Successful second international medical entomology course in Vientiane, Laos, The 2019 "Prince Albert II of Monaco - Institut Pasteur" Prize is awarded to Joacim Rocklöv, The 49th Institut Pasteur International Network Directors council will be held in Abidjan, The Chinese Ambassador to France visits the Institut Pasteur, The FioCruz-Pasteur-USP tripartite agreement is bearing fruits, The Institut Pasteur International Network enters the GloPID-R alliance, The Institut Pasteur International Network pays tribute to Professor Ogobara Doumbo, The Institut Pasteur de Guinée opens its first laboratory in Conakry, The Institut Pasteur de Nouvelle-Calédonie describes 12 new species of leptospires and pays tribute to Pasteurians, The Institut Pasteur in French Guiana confirms a case of yellow fever, The Institut Pasteur launches a Scientific Platform in the university of São Paulo Research and Innovation Center, The first "Pasteur International Talent" reward two young scientists of the Institut Pasteur in Guadeloupe and Montevideo, The medical entomology course at the Institut Pasteur celebrates its 30th anniversary, Three projects from the Institut Pasteur in Dakar and Madagascar selected for funding by AESA’s Grand Challenge Africa, Twelve new species of Leptospira discovered in New Caledonian soils, Unprecedented solidarity and support to accompany the member institutes of the International Network in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Viral hepatitis: the challenge of communication in Africa, Zika virus in the Pacific : the influence of the geographical context on an outbreak’s emergence, The Institut Pasteur International Network, Institut Pasteur International Network Missions, Organization of the institut pasteur international network, Institut Pasteur international network's reports, The use of animals in the Institut Pasteur's research programs, Center for Animal Resources and Research (C2RA), Center for Technological Resources and Research (C2RT), The Center of Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Integrative Biology (C3BI), Brain connectivity and neurodegenerative diseases, Cancer Initiative at the Institut Pasteur, New diagnostic approaches and innovative therapies, Infectious diseases emergence and transmission dynamics, Novel approaches to diagnosis, vaccination and therapy (12 entities), Pathogen genomics and microbiota (8 entities), Vector-pathogen interactions (4 entities), Meet health challenges of the 21st century, Vaccinology and Immunotherapy Initiative: Clinical Research, Vaccinology and Immunotherapy Initiative: Fundamental Research, Vaccinology and Immunotherapy Initiative: Innovation – Vaccine Candidates, Legacies, notarized donations and life insurance policies, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's – the current state of research, Alzheimer’s disease: towards new diagnostic and therapeutic tracks, Autism: a unique event at the Institut Pasteur, Autoimmune diseases: When our own defenses turn against us, Cholera: researchers track the origin of epidemics in Europe since 1970, Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: A look back at three months of mobilisation against an emerging disease (COVID-19), Ebola 2013-2016: lessons learned and how to respond to new epidemics, Ebola, plague, cholera, SARS… Emerging pathogens, an unpredictable threat, French Bioethics Law: an original participatory approach for the National Bioethics Consultation, How big data is revolutionizing health research, Human evolutionary genetics: the benefits of genetic diversity, Joining forces against the plague in Madagascar, Meningitis – the Institut Pasteur pledges its support to the "Ensemble contre les méningites" association, Microscopes – observe the living to fight disease, Salmonella outbreak: Institut Pasteur raises the alarm, Southeast Asia faces the rise of emerging diseases. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1928 and the Institut Pasteur is honored on this occasion. Cette offre est valable sans aucune condition d'inscription et se déroulera pendant les vacances scolaires de décembre. The great man of science is first and foremost one who is able to identify the right problems at the right time, when there is a possibility of finding a solution to them. Cours Pasteur offre 15h de cours dans la matière de votre choix aux 50 premiers élèves inscrits. Réserver dès maintenant ma place pour septembre 2021. The Pasteur Institute was a product of Louis Pasteur’s victory over rabies; for vaccination against rabies represented just that for the entire world. Immeuble « Le martainville » Entre autres présents, devant au centre, Jean Binot, Elie Metchnikoff, Emile Roux, Amédée Borrel. Nos cours reprennent les éléments clés des différentes matières au travers d'exercices adaptés et ciblés de façon à vous assurer une compréhension optimale. ComCor study on places of infection with SARS-CoV-2: where are French people catching the virus? Use this section to find your need) Biological Resource Center of the Institut Pasteur (CRBIP) Platform. POURQUOI LIMITONS-NOUS LES EFFECTIFS A 150 ETUDIANTS ? Comme chacun le sait, l’entrée à l’Université est une étape importante dans la vie d’un étudiant. Rejoignez-nous pour préparer la licence accès santé (L.AS). Ce choix pédagogique permet à l'étudiant de bénéficier d'une atmosphère studieuse et conviviale. Pasteur Institute of Iran is a medical research center located in Tehran, Iran.The institute is one of the oldest leading research and public health centers in Iran and the Middle East, was established in 1920 following an agreement between the Institute Pasteur of Paris and the Iranian government. In François Jacob …was carried out at the Pasteur Institute (Paris), which Jacob joined in 1950 as a research assistant. Origins. Ce cours est financé par l’Association Pasteur International Network et se déroule en alternance avec le cours à l’Institut Pasteur à Paris : « Insectes Vecteurs et Transmission des Agents Pathogènes (IVTAP) ». Developing diagnostic and serological tests as well as vaccine strategies for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection have been the areas that have benefited from an EIB Group donation to Institut Pasteur, in France. Venez vous informer sur les nouvelles réformes. Autre avantage ? Alphonse Laveran (1845-1922) André Lwoff (1902-1994) Charles Nicolle (1866-1936) Daniel Bovet (1907-1992) François Jacob (1920-2013) Institut Pasteur du Cambodge No. Enrollment for the course ends on January 29th. Cours de microbiologie de l'Institut Pasteur 1900 Roux, Metchnikoff Février à mars 1900 MP30601 Cours Pasteur offre, Effectifs limités aux 150 premiers dossiers retenus, 4 des 5 majors de différentes filières sortent de Cours Pasteur. 7,384 Followers, 59 Following, 504 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from INSTITUT PASTEUR (@institutpasteur) How does Legionella pneumophila, the bacterium causing legionellosis, use the host cell machinery to its own advantage? "Pasteur, the experimenter" – the must-see exhibition! Hover over the donut graph to view the FC output for each subject. Dr. Youngmee Jee, the CEO of the Institut Pasteur Korea, highlighted as a success the close partnerships of the global infectious diseases R&D network, numerous online forums, the international solidarity for development of therapeutics and vaccines, and the collaboration of national and international regulatory authorities. ATTENTION : EN RAISON DES CIRCONSTANCES EXCEPTIONNELLES DUES À LA CRISE SANITAIRE DU COVID-19 nous sommes dans l’obligation d’annuler tous les cours Pasteur jusqu’au mois de juillet 2020 (inclus).Les inscriptions pour les cours Pasteur à partir de septembre 2020 seront très bientôt ouvertes.Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour cette déprogrammation et vous … Découvrez également la vie étudiante à Cours Pasteur, ainsi que les dernières innovations médicales technologiques... CENTRE COURS PASTEUR ROUEN With sessions on theory and hands-on practicals, the courses held at the Teaching Center are grouped into three themed areas: Epidemiology and Public Health, Mechanisms of Living Organisms, and Biology of Microorganisms. The Pasteur Institute of Morocco is set to establish an industrial unit for the manufacturing of vaccines and other biomedical products. PIIC is an autonomous body functioning under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce site, nous supposerons que vous en êtes satisfait. Ilya Mechnikov, Elie Metchnikoff in French (1845-1916), The Institut Pasteur throughout the world, "We have achieved some of our dreams to advance science in Africa", A 4-year research group soon to be created in China, A Global mapping of mosquitoes vectors of Zika virus, A Pasteur International Joint Unit to counteract the evolution of viruses, A new survival mechanism of the tubercle bacillus unveiled, A project to strengthen National Ethics Committees in Francophone Africa, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes’ gut microbiota is environmentally determined, Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Solidarity and Health visited the vectopole of the Institut Pasteur de la Guyane, Anticipating and reacting quickly to outbreaks: a consortium won the Galien MedStartUp award, Avian flu: Cambodian markets under heavy surveillance, Claude Flamand : predicting epidemics with satellite images, Dr Amy Kristine Bei to head a new 4-year research group on malaria in Dakar, Dr. Didier Koumavi Ekouevi Wins the 2018 Dedonder-Clayton Award, Dr. Richard Njouom laureate of the Dedonder-Clayton Prize 2017, Elisabeth Carniel appointed Director General of the Pasteur Center in Cameroon, Elliot Rakotomanana, an anthropologist against malnutrition in Madagascar, Five young researchers from the Institut Pasteur International Network attended the 2017 PhD students' ceremony, Five young researchers from the Institut Pasteur International Network, at the 2018 doctoral ceremony, Food contamination in Cambodia contributing to the burden of antibiotic resistance, Four young researchers from the Institut Pasteur International Network present at the 2019 PhD Student Ceremony, Halima Maïnassara: from field investigator to director of CERMES in Niger, Hepatitis B: to better identify patients eligible for treatment in Africa, High incidence of neonatal infections in Madagascar, Institut Pasteur and Hamad Bin Khalifa University will collaborate on training in the areas of genome research , precision medecine and disease prevention, Institut Pasteur de Dakar: The 4-years research group Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Modeling integrates the H3ABioNet pan-African network for bioinformatics, International workshop in Iran to strengthen surveillance and control of rabies, Malaria: Plasmodium falciparum protein MSP4 is a potential target for a vaccine, Mamadou Aliou Barry, a lookout against epidemics in Senegal, MediLabSecure: 4 years of health security improvement against vector-borne diseases in the Mediterranenan and Black Sea Regions, Medical entomology for surveilling vector-borne diseases explained in motion design, Meriem Ben Ali : a better diagnosis for immune deficiencies in Tunisia, Moritoshi Iwagami Wins the 2018 Robert Deschiens Prize, Multicentric research has identify Leptospira bacteria circulating in Uruguay, National Health Laboratory Project launched, New Pasteur-USP Scientific Platform in Brazil to tackle neurological disorders with a one health approach, Nine Young Researchers from the Institut Pasteur International Network present at the 2020 PhD Student Ceremony, Pasteur International Network Association supported 3 statements at World Health Assembly 2018, Pertussis : progress but lack of surveillance, Rabies: a shorter, cheaper vaccination schedule following a suspected rabid dog bite, Renewal of the status of the Pasteur International Network Association as a "non-State actor in official relationship" with WHO, Report on the 49th Institut Pasteur International Network Directors' Council in Abidjan, Report on the 52nd International Network Council of Directors meeting – lessons to be drawn from the COVID-19 pandemic in the International Network, Researchers at the Institut Pasteur in French Guiana describe the persistence of Zika virus in semen. Editorial: How can we reach a level of herd immunity that will protect us from COVID-19 ? Observation au microscope pendant le cours de Développement et Plasticité du Système Nerveux donné à l'Institut Pasteur de Paris en 2004. Ce cours Pasteur-IRD de 4 semaines, enseigné en français, sera proposé chaque année paire à l’Institut Pasteur Paris. Direct visualization in living cells using “HIV-1 ANCHOR” technology, HIV: one stage in replication may occur in macrophage nuclei, Have I seen this before? May 2021. Microbiology. When Listeria attacks the intestinal microbiota, When the structure of Tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) challenges the very concept of cell, Whooping cough: elucidation of a critical stage in the action of the CyaA toxin, Why some patients develop resistance to new class of anti-cancer drugs, Yellow fever: risk of virus transmission in the Asia-Pacific region, Yellow fever: using modeling to optimize the use of vaccine stocks, Yersinia – a novel genomic tool for identifying strains, Zika outbreaks fostered by virus-permissive mosquitoes, Zika: two indigenous cases for the first time in mainland France, i-Lab 2020 competition: two winners from the Institut Pasteur, one awarded a Grand Prix, "The Incredible Story of The Bacteria Killers" on November 2, on Arte. Je ne suis pas un robot5 + 7 = Je ne suis pas un robot. The Research Journal: 2018's most read articles! In addition to its 130+ laboratories, the Institut houses facilities for state-of-the-art technological platforms, a teaching center, and Biobank. 18 Jan 2021. conference. A unique asset, the Institut Pasteur… To do so, the Institut Pasteur is involved in the development of Massive Open Online courses, on various scientific topics. Anna-Bella Failloux, an all-terrain entomologist! Our MOOCs are scientific and focus on major biological and public health questions. The Institut Pasteur wishes to increase the audience of its courses and to give access to high-level scientific online courses to a large audience, throughout the world. The Insitut Pasteur is addressing the major scientific and health issues facing the world today, The Institut Pasteur in 2018: A legacy of excellence. Notre objectif ? With its new "Omics" buildings, the Institut Pasteur continues its digital revolution, Yellow fever: a new method for testing vaccine safety, Zika: an accurate estimation of the neurological risks in unborn children, Zika: silent long-term circulation in Thailand, All SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 from the Institut Pasteur, A SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing technique to analyze low-quality clinical samples, A combination of cutting-edge proteomic approaches for improving understanding of SARS-CoV-2 infection mechanisms, A technique to identify key cellular factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection, A zebrafish model to study SARS-CoV-2 neuroinvasion, Accelerating the identification & design of SARS-CoV2 antiviral drugs in combination with the “DrugDesign_SARS2” project, Antibody profiling in recovering patients and development of a serological test for an epidemiological survey in individuals exposed to SARS-CoV-2, Building a collection of human biological samples in France, Characterization of interaction between SARS-CoV-2 Nsp3 protein and non-canonical nucleic acid structures (G4) present in infected cells, Characterization of variable systemic and mucosal immunity during SARS-CoV-2 infection and recovery, Covid-19 risk evaluation among the household contacts of the first cases in Africa, Covid-19: A vaccine candidate using a lentiviral vector, Covid-19: vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 infection, using the measles vector, Deciphering the virus interactions with the entry receptors in human cells, and their potential inhibition, Defective viral genomes (DVGs), potential antiviral inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2, Descriptive study: epidemiological, clinical and immunological analysis of SARS-CoV-2 cases in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil, Developing a rapid diagnostic test to detect SARS-CoV2 virus in various environment, Development of an animal model and accelerated development of a DNA vaccine candidate, Development of novel nano-based multi-epitope vaccine against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - Generation of Humanized NSG transfer mouse model for vaccine testingAim: We hypothesize that it may be possible to generate protective anti-SARS-CoV-2 immuneresponse in, Development of simple Covid-19 serological tools and targeted serosurvey of at-risk individuals, Drug Repurposing & Design to inhibit the SARS-CoV2 proteases, Engineering an ACE2 derived polypeptide for label-free, real-time detection on a smartphone device and therapeutic intervention, Evaluating the determinants of coronavirus tropism in 3D models of human pulmonary epithelia, Evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 infection spread in various populations groups in Cameroon, Evaluation of clinical presentation and evolution of SARS -CoV-2 coronavirus infection in Senegal, Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and the antibody immune response in humans during infection, Find potent antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV2 by targeting well identified proteins essential to the viral cycle, Generation of animal models sensitive to SARS-CoV-2 to test vaccines or drugs, Household transmission investigation study for SARS in overseas territories, Identification and isolation of potent human neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, Identification of cellular PDZ-containing Proteins targeted by the virus SARS-Cov-2 during infection, Investigating the role of apico-basal proteins during SARS-Cov2 infection, Investigation of the first cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections and their contacts in Antananarivo, Madagascar, Isolating and characterizing the human antibodies that neutralize SARS-CoV-2, Mechanisms of intercellular spreading of SARS-CoV-2: assessing the role of TNTs to escape immune surveillance and expand tropism and pathogenicity, Modeling human SARS-CoV-2 infection in mice with human lung xenografts, Monitoring the origins and transmission/spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Laos and Vietnam: searching for SARS-like viruses and detecting antibodies in vertebrates, Neurological implications of SARS-COV-2 infection – a transversal study, Nicotinic modulation of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the brain, Origins, natural reservoirs and interspecies transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other SARS-like coronaviruses, Production of recombinant antigens from two SARS-CoV-2 proteins and generation of nano-antibodies against these proteins for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, Profiling SARS-CoV-2 intra-viral and virus-host interactions on the basis of innate immunity signaling, Protocol for assessment of potential risk factors for 2019-novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection among health care workers in a health care setting, Randomized trial of Covid-19 chemoprophylaxis in healthcare professionals, Red Cross health workers and volunteers and continuity of care with COVID-19: an operational approach using mixed methods, Restriction of SARS-CoV-2 replication by coding and non-coding genes, SARS-CoV-2 fusion, replication and host responses, Sequence the complete genome of Covid-19 directly and at low cost from prepared RNA samples from patients, Serological surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 and seasonal coronaviruses, Short Amplicon Based Sequencing Of SARS-CoV-2 for low-input samples, Spike glycoprotein, lentiviral vectors and B/T-cell vaccine, The use of Artificial Intelligence Methods to Discriminate Covid-19 from other Community Acquired Pneumopathy using Chest X-Ray and CT images, Urgent Discovery of Drug Candidates That Target Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, Working towards controlled detection of SARS-CoV-2 by the innate immune system, rBCG vaccine secreting SARS-CoV-2 antigens, Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface, MOOC Concepts and Methods in Epidemiology - Institut Pasteur/Cnam, MOOC Diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers in global health - Institut Pasteur, MOOC In the footsteps of Zika… approaching the unknown, Mooc From neuron to behavior - Institut Pasteur/Cnam, The Institut Pasteur Online Diploma of Infectious Diseases (DNM2IP), Erasmus+ University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine, Pasteur-Paris University International doctoral program (PPU), 4-year research group within the Scientific Platform Pasteur-University of Sao Paulo, Groupes à 4 ans à l'Institut Pasteur de Shanghai - Académie des Sciences de Chine, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, MOOC Medical entomology - Insect vectors and transmission of pathogens, New Edition Of The Free On-Line Mooc Malaria, New Edition Of The Free On-Line Mooc Tuberculosis, New Free On-Line Course Created By Institut Pasteur: Clinical Trials In Infectious And TropicalL Diseases, Registration for Pasteur/Cnam School of Public Health, Registration open for the Institut Pasteur neuroscience MOOC, Pasteur International Network association, 1st workshop on Translational Venomic Medecine, Infectious diseases pathogenesis in Asia/Pacific, Insects and vector-borne diseases in Amazonia and the Caribbean: from field to lab, Methodology of Clinical Trials and Practical Implementation, Persistent Viral Infections and Immune evasion, Workshop on Surveillance and Control of Rabies, Centre de ressources biologiques de l’Institut Pasteur (CRBIP), Clinical Investigation and Access to BioResources (ICAReB), Collection Nationale de Cultures de Microorganismes (CNCM), Detection, Financing of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Office, Industrial Agreements - Post Contract and Strategic Alliance, Technology Transfer and Industrial Partnership.
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