Série Internationale FIA de rallye organisée avec le soutien de Renault Sport, Renault Suisse et Michelin Motorsport. Clio R3T Alps Trophy, Sion. This season will allow the different owners to use their car one more year while preparing for their switch to New Clio Rally through an attractive prize scheme. Clio R3T Trophy Alps: Rallye du Chablais a Rallye du Chablais il June 01st, 2017. Eventi Trofei marca svizzera. 153 talking about this. ali. všečkov. Considering the popularity of the Clio R3T Trophy France, the future trophy will retain all its advantages with an exceptionally reliable car and controlled operating costs, but also the level of sporting and technical support and fair play that has built its reputation. Launched in 2014, the Renault Clio R3T soon demonstrated the full extent of its performance, particularly in the Clio R3T Trophy France, which has gradually become a benchmark category with the largest field in the FFSA French Asphalt Rally Championship. všečkov. Rallye National Monts et Coteaux 2020. In parallel, Renault Sport Racing will propose innovative incentives rewarding the involvement of the dealership network and the various teams entered. Trofei Marca Svizzera eventi. This trophy exclusively focused on Clio R3T will continue in 2020 through Swiss and French events. Clio R3T Alps Trophy, Sion. La nuova Clio RS 220 Trophy costa 25.900 euro; vale a dire 2.100 euro in più rispetto alla “base” 1.6 Turbo RS EDC da 200 cv. Notizie di Clio R3T Trophy Alps: Rallye du Chablais a Rallye du Chablais su June 01st, 2017. Notizie di Clio R3T Alps Trophy: Rallye du Chablais a Rallye du Chablais su May 30th, 2019. A la recherche d'un programme sportif excitant cette saison ? – 13. This video is unavailable. Built to meet the new Rally-5 regulations, the New Clio R.S. 8,4 tis. Starting in 2015, Benoit Vaillant, then Charles Martin, Cédric Robert and Florian Bernardi have all added their names to the Clio R3T Trophy France hall of fame. Participe au Rallye du Chablais, du 31 mai au 2 juin, au sein du Clio R3T Alps Trophy ! 8.4K likes. Eventi Trofei marca svizzera. všečkov. Final season for the Clio R3T. 12. Deuxième manche d'un calendrier qui en compte cinq, le Critérium Jurassien accueille les équipages du Clio R3T Alps Trophy les 13 - 14 avril au départ de Saignelégier dans le Jura Suisse. Ne zdaj. France Cup • European Clio R3T - Alps #3. 8.3K likes. Prijava. Trofei Marca Svizzera Event Photos. CLAP DE FIN POUR LE CLIO R3T ALPS TROPHY ! Foto Clio R3T Alps Trophy: Rallye du Chablais a Rallye du Chablais del May 30th, 2019. Photos of Clio R3T Trophy Alps: Rallye du Chablais at Rallye du Chablais on June 01st, 2017. Con un kit da 72.000 euro la RS220 Trophy si trasforma nella R3T da 240 cavalli che corre con successo nei campionati nazionali Rally.DRIVEBibbiena. 11. For all its customers who would like to extend their adventure in Clio R3T, Renault Sport Racing will put in place a transition season in coordination with the promoter of the Clio R3T Alps Trophy, BZ Consult. Grâce à la formule "Just for fun !" Clio R3T Alps Trophy, Sion. Série Internationale FIA de rallye organisée avec le soutien de Renault Sport, Renault Suisse et Michelin Motorsport. Ivan Ferrarotti ancora oltre confine: nel 2020 al via del Clio R3T Trophy Alps 01 Feb Il pilota di Castelnovo Monti (foto Massimo Carpeggiani in esclusiva per Rallysmo.it) resta fedele alla Clio R3 turbo e si mette in gioco nel principale trofeo della casa della Losanga riservato a questa vettura: cinque le gare in programma tra Francia e Svizzera. Clio R3T Trophy Alps: Rallye International du Valais a Rallye International du Valais il October 27th, 2017. This year, the battle to be the next is more intense than ever with three different crews having won in as many rallies to date and the fight promises to go on just until the final round, the Rallye du Var from 22-24 November. Trofei Marca Svizzera eventi. While the 2019 Clio R3T Trophy France season is in full-chat at Rallye Mont-Blanc Morzine, Renault Sport Racing unveils its future plans for its rally customer racing programme. ANNULATION SUCCESSIVE DES MANCHES, EST-CE LA FIN DU CLIO R3T ALPS TROPHY 2020 ? Série Internationale FIA de rallye organisée avec le soutien de Renault Sport, Renault Suisse et Michelin Motorsport. Notizie di Clio R3T Trophy Alps: Critérium Jurassien a Critérium Jurassien su April 07th, 2017. 2020, Saint-Laurent-d'Agny • asphalt • Other years. DESTINATION RALLYE MONTE-CARLO 2021 ! 11. Photos of Clio R3T Alps Trophy: Rallye Pays du Gier at Rallye Pays du Gier on March 16th, 2018. Participe au Clio R3T Alps Trophy et remporte ta participation au Monte-Carlo 2017! An all-new challenge for the Clio R3T Trophy France Nearly two months after a thrilling start to the season on the Lyon-Charbonnières event, the Renault Clio R3T Trophy France will, for the first time, be part of the Rallye Vosges – Grand Est where the crews will battle for the victory with the first winner of the year, Boris Carminati. 8,4 tis. After five years of intense competition on national rallies, Clio R3T is giving way to New Clio Rally, which will be part of the Clio Trophy France held in five flagship events of the French FFSA Asphalt Rally Championship. Clio Trophy France. Ste pozabili račun? Série Internationale FIA de rallye organisée avec le soutien de Renault Sport, Renault Suisse et Michelin Motorsport. The first Clio Trophy France championship winner will be offered an official rally sports program in 2021. Clio R3T Alps Trophy, Sion. LE RALLYE MONTS ET COTEAUX, 13 – 14 NOVEMBRE 2020, EST ANNULÉ. France will not be the only country to welcome New Clio Rally as Italy and the Iberian Peninsula will also have their own trophies. Notizie di Clio R3T Alps Trophy: Rallye Mont Blanc-Morzine a Rallye Mont Blanc-Morzine su September 05th, 2019. For all its customers who would like to extend their adventure in Clio R3T, Renault Sport Racing will put in place a transition season in coordination with the promoter of the Clio R3T Alps Trophy, BZ Consult. Il pilota reggiano, fresco di approdo in Meteco Corse, sarà tra i protagonisti del Clio R3T Trophy Alps, il nuovo trofeo di riferimento a livello continentale per le Clio R3 turbo. Gare Trofei marca svizzera. 11. Série Internationale FIA de rallye organisée avec le soutien de Renault Sport, Renault Suisse et Michelin Motorsport. The 2020 Clio Trophy France calendar unveiled Before the start of the Rallye Cœur de France this weekend, Renault Sport Racing unveils the calendar of the Clio Trophy France that will succeed the Clio R3T Trophy France beginning next year. Prikaži več o Clio R3T Alps Trophy strani na Facebooku. 5. 12. Deux manches au minimum pour l’établissement du classement final ! Ismaël Vuistiner - Florine Kummer abandonnent sur sortie de route dans la spéciale 11 entre Agnières-En-Dévoluy et Corps. More information will be announced in the weeks to come about the future of the French and other trophies. Trofei Marca Svizzera Event Photos. 8,4 tis. Dopo 12 anni torna Ivan Paire: al via del Clio R3T Trophy 5 Marzo 2020 / in Altri rally , Rally / da RS e oltre Ad un certo punto era finito nella categoria dei “desaparecidos” delle prove speciali. The calendar will still boast six rounds of the FFSA French Asphalt Rally Championship to offer an amazing setting to the crews willing to compete on the finest roads France has to offer. Alpine Rally Trophy • European Clio R3T - Alps #2. www.clior3.com. – 14. Clio R3T Alps Trophy, Sion. Ustvari nov račun. Premier rendez-vous du Clio R3T Alps Trophy 2020, le Rallye du Mt-Blanc Morzine révèle le très bon niveau de l’édition 2020 de cette Série Internationale FIA. Working to make motorsport accessible for everyone since its inception in 1976, Renault Sport Racing will continue to offer competitors an extremely attractive prize scheme system in several categories: General, Juniors and Gentlemen. One year after the first dynamic appearance of Clio Rally5, the range on (...), The new trophy dedicated to Renault Clio Rally5 within the Belgian Rally (...), Building on the success of New Clio Rally in open competition and (...), Following a promising maiden campaign in all aspects within a difficult (...), E-TECH Plug- in Hybrid - Technology Explained. RALLYE MT-BLANC MORZINE, 3 – 5 SEPTEMBRE, LA VIDÉO . Trofei Marca Svizzera eventi. 12. Saison 2019 styve juif et cyliane michel. Watch Queue Queue Eventi Trofei marca svizzera. Line, from which it takes its design and 4-cylinder, 16-valve 1.3 litre TCe engine, it also inherits its versatile chassis that will come in three versions: Cup, Rally and RX. This trophy exclusively focused on Clio R3T will continue in 2020 through Swiss and French events. Derived from the Clio R.S. Ferrarotti non è nuovo alle sfide oltre confine, visto che già lo scorso anno aveva preso parte al trofeo ‘top’ di Renault, sempre riservato alle Clio R3T ma allora incastonato nel campionato francese. Eventi Trofei marca svizzera. Despite their shared components, each will, however, be a true race car specifically designed for its specialty. Série Internationale FIA de rallye organisée avec le soutien de Renault Sport, Renault Suisse et Michelin Motorsport. Clio R3T Alps Trophy: Rallye du Chablais a Rallye du Chablais il May 30th, 2019. After cementing its status year after year in the French rally landscape in launching the careers of up and coming hopefuls or relaunching those of drivers eager for a second chance, the current concept will be maintained in a new trophy welcoming New Clio Rally developed by Renault Sport Racing. Rally will offer its future owners several opportunities both in this specific trophy and open competition. Event cancelled due to COVID-19. Rallye National Hivernal du Dévoluy 2020. 13. The 2020 calendar will be disclosed during the Rally Coeur de France (28-30 September), where New Clio Rally will make its first public appearance. 2020…
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